Adding attributes for polygons to vector layer with polygon intercept using PyQGIS? 4 Extracting or categorizing shared boundaries of polygons QGIS 2 Rotating and editing Legend in layout using PyQGIS 2 Draw label outside polygon, if it not fit's inside (MultiPolygon, QGIS) 1 Moving polyg...
The 1st problem I faced was that my city_bounds shapefile layer was not showing anymore in the map canvas after adding the image, so.. fixing some CRS matters on image load I could place both visible, but now since my city polygon is in the right place in the middle of Brasil, my i...
Hello, it would be great to have support for multipolygons in Leaflet.Draw. My webapp loads data from a geojson file automatically exported from a QGIS project. All polygons are exported as multipolygon features and I'm not able to edit/delete these data using Leaflet.Draw. ...
Incorrectly tagged questions are hard to find and answer. If you know ofcommon, alternate spellings or phrasingsfor this tag, add them here so we can automatically correct them in the future. For example, suggest “bike” as a synonym for bicycle, or “sock” for socks. ...
Remark: Be aware, however, that distances in a worldwide projection tend to be heavily distorted and - based on how far away the points are from the polygons - this will result in wrong country names for these points. You can't avoid this problem then by using differen...