目前想到了50+题,希望大家可以 多点提名。娱乐向,猜不猜的准无所谓啦(。) 上传以后大家可以一起玩🥳Steam→draw&guess→创意工坊订阅 ——— 谢谢楼里的大家 都有看着加进题库啦 已经上传了。目前82个词,玩得开心就好猜不猜的到无所谓(不是) ———...
draw&guess词库是一款玩法丰富的游戏题库,可以为游戏添加海量的词库,提升玩家的游戏乐趣,让来完全不一样的游戏体验。软件涵盖了各种种类,包括英雄联盟、生活用具、体育竞技等,满足用户的各种draw&guess词库体验需求。 【补丁特色】 1、超过5000个新词,包括所有新的9个字母的单词和短语; 2、尝试像素笔,铅笔模式,邮票...
适合开黑的题库有哪些,最好不要有那种邪门的,或者错别字的题目 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2024-11-08 20:05回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示0回复贴,共1页 <返回drawguess吧发表...
下载地址:http://www.37moyu.com/azyx/yzxx/drawandguessshoujibanv131.html 类型:安卓游戏-益智休闲 版本:drawandguess手机版v1.3.1 大小:13.77M 语言:中文 平台:安卓APK 推荐星级(评分):★★★ 游戏标签: 你画我猜手游 画画手游 draw and guess安卓版也被戏称为你...
Draw&Guess(你画我猜)是一款2-16人(或4-16人,取决于游戏模式)的欢乐向休闲创意绘图游戏,由Acureus制作并发行于steam平台,支持创意工坊和自创题库,支持插线板作画,官方售价15元。 目前在弹幕视频网站bilibili上,相关热度最高的作品为知名游戏区up主逍遥散人的体验相关视频,播放量为111.4W,在抖音上热度也不低,相关...
Guess. Teacher: Now listen to the tape and find. Check your answer, please. 2. 检验学生答案的同时,板书本课重点单词,学生跟读、拼写。 Teacher:What’s in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag? His keys. (展示钥匙图片)Look, this is a key. Read after me, key. (板书单词)Read it one by...
下列化合物中,能与费林试剂反应的是( )。
T:Boys and girls.I bringtwonew friends:LanglangandMeimei.Can you guess:Who can draw a car?Yourplease.教师抽查三位学生 T:Ok.Please watch the video and tell me:Who can draw a car? 2.Watch the video and answer the question:Who can draw a car? T:Ok.Who can tell me:...
I will admit that I have no problem coming up with rules.To me they make life easier and they leave no room for questioning.What can be more difficult, however, is giving my teens their freedom.I guess there are really two primary reasons for this.One is that sometimes I am afraid to...
Show a picture of a nature park, guess “what’s in the nature park.” 2. Learn the new words one by one with the help of pictures: river, lake, forest, mountain, hill. Try to spell the words with phonics. 3. Sharp eyes. 教学 4. Play a game What’s missing?...