It would be the blackest treachery to Holmes to draw back from the part which he had intrusted to me. 对福尔摩斯委托我扮演的角色中途甩手不干了未免是一种对他最卑鄙的背叛。 6. He is not the sort of person ever to draw back . 他不是躲避责任的乔种人。 ...
34. pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him e.g. in the old days, people were drawn and quartered for certain crimes Synonym: quarterdraw and quarter 35. require a specified depth for floating e.g. This boat draws 70 inches 36. allow a...
[C]有吸引力的人或事物person or thing that attracts people [C]吸烟act of drawing at a cigarette, pipe, etc. 英英释义 draw[ drɔ: ] n. a gully that is shallower than a ravine an entertainer who attracts large audiences "he was the biggest drawing card they had" ...
1. to cause (a person or thing) to move towards or away by pulling 2. to bring, take, or pull (something) out, as from a drawer, holster, etc 3. (tr) to extract or pull or take out: to draw teeth; to draw a card from a pack. 4. (Brewing) (often foll by: off) to ...
产生,引起,激起(反应或回应)to produce a reaction or response 使人说话make sb talk 9. [t][oftpass] ~ sb (about/on sth) 使说出;使吐露to make sb say more about sth 结论conclusion 10. [t] ~ sth (from sth) 获取;得出;推断出to have a particular idea after you have studied sth or th...
Any practice thatdrawsblood could increase the risk of getting the virus. 任何引起出血的做法都可能会增加感染病毒的危险。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 She wasdrawingout cash from a cash machine... 她正从自动提款机中取钱。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Companies could notdrawmoney from bank accounts as cash. ...
In the artistic sense,drawingsomething usually means to create an image of it using paper and pencil, crayons, pen, or similar. If you were asked todrawa cat, for example, you would try your best to create a picture of something that resembles a cat. The work of art that a person cr...
bring or lead someone to a certain action or condition remove the entrails of the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided an entertainer who attracts large audiences allow a draft pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to...
吸引力 attraction 有吸引力的人(或事物)a person, a thing or an event that attracts a lot of peopleShe is currently one of the biggest draws on the Irish music scene.她是目前爱尔兰音乐界最受欢迎的人物之一。烟 smoke 吸烟an act of breathing in the smoke from a cigarette ...