Scribble Maps can import any data that relates to a place and overlay it on a customizable map, ready for you to draw on, analyze, and discover insights. Import your data and get started Get started by searching for Google Maps data, or copy your own from any spreadsheet, list, or geo...
Number locations to create a map key. Draw a line between different points on the map. Place a rectangle to show where a building is. Draw a polygon around a collection of objects. Use the arrow tool to show points of interest. Add several types of text labels to make the map easier ...
Regular Google Maps view Google Earth plugin (though this didn’t work for me) KML file (for viewing in Google Earth) GPX (for export to your GPS); only exports points and lines, the only geometric shapes that GPX files support You can also save your map for future editing, and get...
Time polygons – you set a time and speed, and DRAWaMAP draws a polygon encompassing the walking distance around that point based on Google Maps data. Map Density Quadtree – ? Not sure, but it seems to create an editable polygon feature based around a starting and ending point. Adjustable...
Draw And Edit Google Maps My Maps Layers With DRAWaMAPFree Geography Tools
it has a scope for improvement as it lacks certain features. People often find ways to draw driving radius Google Maps. Google Maps does not allow you to draw radius on Google maps app but you can measure the distance between two points. However, you can add circle to Google Maps using ...
Our Google Maps-based radius and proximity tool offers advanced capabilities to create a sophisticated distance radius map. Customize your map, share it with team members, and use it in a variety of settings to gain further insights from your data. ...
1 Google Maps API v.3 convert polyline into polygon with given width -2 Trying to create a 'lozenge' with google maps API 1 Why does the width of a polyline buffered with JSTS vary with latitude? -1 lat-lon A to B route (straight line). Find if point is within distance form...
A library for drawing on maps that supports Mapbox, MapLibre, Google Maps, OpenLayers and Leaflet out the box - GitHub - JamesLMilner/terra-draw: A library for drawing on maps that supports Mapbox, MapLibre, Google Maps, OpenLayers and Leaflet out the b