The meaning of DRAW A CONCLUSION is to make a judgment or judgments. How to use draw a conclusion in a sentence.
What is a basic definition ofdraw? The verbdrawmeans to sketch something using lines.Drawalso means to pull something out of its resting place or to attract something.Drawis also a tied competition.Drawhas many other senses as a verb and a noun. In the artistic sense,drawingsomething usually...
Definition of draw a conclusion from in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is draw a conclusion from? Meaning of draw a conclusion from as a legal term. What does draw a conclusion from mean in law?
: to infer from evidence or premises draw a conclusion 15 : to spread or elongate (metal) by hammering or by pulling through dies also : to shape (a material, such as plastic) by stretching or by pulling through dies intransitive verb 1 : to come or go steadily or gradually night...
to draw liquid through a straw. to derive or use, as from a source: to draw inspiration from Shakespeare. to deduce; infer: to draw a conclusion. to get, take, or receive, as from a source: to draw interest on a savings account; to draw a salary of $600 a week. ...
Define draw. draw synonyms, draw pronunciation, draw translation, English dictionary definition of draw. v. drew , drawn , draw·ing , draws v. tr. 1. a. To cause to move after or toward one by applying continuous force; drag: drew the chair closer to th
It's sometimes verydifficultto draw acleardistinctionbetween themeaningsof different words.有时很难明确区分不同单词的含义。 draw a conclusion B2 toconsiderthefactsof asituationand make adecisionabout what istrue,correct,likelytohappen, etc. 得出结论,推论 I'dseenthem together so often, I drew the...
to inhale or suck in:to draw liquid through a straw. to derive or use, as from a source:to draw inspiration from Shakespeare. to deduce; infer:to draw a conclusion. to get, take, or receive, as from a source:to draw interest on a savings account; to draw a salary of $600 a wee... deduce; infer:to draw a conclusion. get, take, or receive:to draw a salary of $600 a week. withdraw (funds) from an account. write (a check) so as to take money from an account (often fol. byonoragainst). ...
a the computer candrawa graph on the screen b :to write out in proper form drawup a will c :to describe in words a writer whodrawscharacters well 13 :deducesense 1a drawa conclusion 14 :to stretch or spread by or as if by pulling ...