6. ChemFinder模块:建立并管理自己的化合物数据库。 7. 3D计算接口:提供便捷的3D计算入口,接入GAMESS、Gaussian、Autodock、 Conflex和MOPAC等软件。 8. ChemACX浏览器:按结构或CAS号搜索海量市售化合物,查看供应商、价格和化学性质。 9. 3D打...
In this post we will provide you with a tutorial about how to quickly draw an attractive looking3D roadmap in PowerPoint, as well as provide you with a slide set that you can use to circumvent the hassle of having to create professional looking roadmaps in PowerPoint. How to Draw a 3D ...
PowerPoint 2013 supports this attribute for a style applied to any of the following elements:<draw:rect> <draw:line> <draw:polyline> <draw:polygon> <draw:regular-polygon> <draw:path> <draw:circle> <draw:ellipse> <draw:connector> <draw:caption> <draw:measure> <draw...
PowerPoint 2013 does not support this attribute for draw:custom-shape. PowerPoint always writes out 37%. Additional resources Events 20 Nov, 07 - 22 Nov, 07 Join online sessions at Microsoft Ignite created to expand your skills and help you tackle today's complex issues. Register n...
Using 3D Effects You can also take the modified AutoShape above and turn it into a 3-D object. To do this, locate the Draw toolbar located at the bottom of the PowerPoint window. It looks like this: If it's not showing, go to View> Toolbars> Drawing and make sure there is a ch...
PDF文件转换为Word,Excel和TXT,PowerPoint中,HTML,EPUB,图像和其他流行格式. SewArt 从光栅和矢量图像创建刺绣图像文件. Real3d Renderer 在3D中可视化,处理和编辑点云和三角形网格 MathML Kit for Adobe Creative Suite 获得MathML格式的Adobe InDesign Server,Adobe InDesign和Adobe InCopy的数学方程式的简单支持 ...
winViewport:ACT_WindowViewportelement that specifies viewport properties of the 3D Model while in window mode. ambientLight:ACT_AmbientLightelement that specifies ambient light properties of the 3D Model. ptLight:ACT_PointLightelement that specifies the properties of a point light of the 3D Model. ...
通过炸毁特定区域,创建3D矢量和文本对象,跟踪特征并将其转换为路径等来传达空间的特征。通过创建复合材料,修改图像,使用透明效果以及各种行业领先的工具和过滤器来吸引受众。 桌面出版和演示 Canvas Draw通过工具促进内部和外部通信,以指示修订,跟踪更改和为协作项目添加注释,以及具有用于进一步分发信息的独特品质的演示文档...