Start With These Dramatic Monologues for Women Female voice actors can always use a monologue written for a male voice, but if you’re looking for something created with a feminine voice in mind, consider one of these dramatic monologues for women. “Thou Knowest the Mask of Night”Romeo and...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook dramatic monologue (redirected fromdramatic monologues) n. A literary, usually verse composition in which a speaker reveals his or her character, often in relation to a critical situation or event, in a monologue addressed to the reader or to a presumed listener...
The orchestra should produce a very rich sound full of colours and be a great support for the emotional Salome, whose role is one of the most difficult ones - it combines delicacy, transparency as well as vocal power and all the qualities of a real dramatic soprano. This role stands on ...
(forEliot)physicalsettings--acityscape(the famous"patientetheriseduponatable")and severalinteriors(women'sarmsinthe lamplight,coffeespoons,fireplaces)--toaseries ofvagueoceanimagesconveyingPrufrock's emotionaldistancefromtheworldashecomes torecognizehissecond-ratestatus("Iamnot PrinceHamlet")."Prufrock"is...