Written by experienced examiners, this book will provide you with tailor-made support for the OCR GCSE Drama course and examination. There are three sections to the book: Section A takes you through the Specification, explaining what it means, the technical terms you need to understand and what...
领科教育上海校区Drama Emmanuel N Barthalomew是领科教育上海校区副校长,Emmanuel老师执教10年,拥有剑桥大学ESOL 教师资格证加州大学IB教学证书,教授过GCSE、 A Level、雅思、托福、戏剧、媒体等课程。 他善于思考,热爱表达、喜欢写作。在2013年发表了本书,第二本书正在撰写中。之外,他还喜欢健身、骑车、玩猜字游戏和...
Comically, and revealingly, they marvel at the size and location of a bog-standard apartment. It transpires that Tara (Mia McKenna Bruce), Em (Enva Lewis) and Skye (Lara Peake) have decided to await their GCSE results in a Crete hotel awash with pre-party shots and sexual opportunity. ...
Drama involves a lot of practice and rehearsal to make it perfect. Your personal statement is no different. Plan in sufficient time to reread, proof, sense check and redraft your personal statement until it’s the best it can be. Focus on lively and engaging content, accurate grammar and p...
It is an excellent way to help develop higher level thinking skills, while at the same time, learning information crucial to the curriculum and exams. This resource is intended to enable students to understand and discuss this popular choice for GCSE assessment, and Act Three Scene One is a ...
“With the secondary school [scheduling is based] around their timetable. They don't want to take them out of the core GCSE subjects… [In terms of length, a session in] the secondary school is only 45 minutes, so they have a bit of gap before their next lesson.” [Participant 8]...
Emmanuel N Barthalomew是领科教育上海校区副校长,Emmanuel老师执教10年,拥有剑桥大学ESOL 教师资格证加州大学IB教学证书,教授过GCSE、 A Level、雅思、托福、戏剧、媒体等课程。 他善于思考,热爱表达、喜欢写作。在2013年发表了第一本书,第二本书正在撰写中。之外,他还喜欢健身、骑车、玩猜字游戏和摄影。作为老师,...
“A spot of social history, some gags about Shakespearean literature to flatter anyone with GCSE English and beyond, and plentiful bottom jokes. What’s not to like?”–iNews “Given Elton’s past glories in the historical comedy ouevre with his former accomplice Richard Curtis, it remains im...
SCHOOL GUIDE Technology College with a Strong Ethos; GCSE Results in Urdu, Bengali, Business Studies, Drama, Religious Education, Physical Education and Double Award Science Are Close to the National Average Aston Manor School Is Very Much on the Up, with the Standard of Teaching and Learning ...
The analysis also looks beyond the university sector and considers the implications for higher education of the pattern of decline in the number of school students taking General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSEs) and A levels in drama and performance. The article is not pessimistic, ...