DRAM-less SSDs can play a critical role in your storage needs and do so at a lower cost, especially with the release of Samsung’s groundbreaking980 SSDline. In fact, a DRAM-less SSD really isn’t that different from an SSD with DRAM. Yes, DRAM makes storage faster, but going DRAM-...
Cluster instance in proxy mode: When the requested keys are evenly distributed on a cluster instance in proxy mode, the performance of the instance is no less than n times the performance of a standard instance. Cluster instance in direct connection mode: When the requested keys are evenly...
because you want more capacity at the same bandwidth. We can mix and match based upon the path per dollar or per gigabyte, and we can use tiering between the SSD, the DRAM, and the local on-chip SRAM caches. This is shifting to a TCO for the entire system, and looking at the cost...