Just not a fan of that non-drum/snare type beats. It sounds awkward. Sounds like he's making a sub-par attempt to sound like the 90s Alternative Hip Hop sound Lyrics were pretty good though Hes not offbeat, you just cant comprehend a non traditional snare pattern in a beatReactions...
If you’d like, I’d be happy to post a “be there” invitation in the off-chance someone in your area happens to read my post between now and May 10 and might be willing and able to show up in court to support you. Nancy Carroll gets way more visitors to her site ~ she’s t...
RedditBot-FastAI 基于Python 和 FastAI 做了个 NSFW(不宜在工作场所打开)图像分类器,可对黄色暴力图像进行分类筛选 PaddleOCR 一套丰富、领先、且实用的 OCR 工具库 aim 可用于快速记录、搜索与比较不同 AI 实验的结果与数据,操作便捷,配置灵活 Map-based-Visual-Localization 一款基于地图的视觉定位通用框架 ...