Drake Bell, the former star of the Nickelodeon show "Drake and Josh," has been charged on two counts of crimes against a child in Ohio. Bell, referred to by his first name Jared in the court documents, was charged with the attempted endangering of children, a fourth-degree felony, and...
who is the founder and co-president of the production company Schneider's Bakery, has played a part (helping to create, write, or produce) on numerous comedy series, including Nickelodeon's All That, Drake & Josh, Kenan & Kel, The Amanda Show, Victorious, Zoey 101,iCarly, and the film...
CUYAHOGA COUNTY, Ohio (WJW) –Jared Drake Bellwho played Drake in the hit Nickelodeon TV show “Drake and Josh” is facing charges inCuyahoga County. According to the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office, Bell, 34, is charged with attempted endangering children, a 4th degree felony; and dis...
Drake, who had feudedwith hisDrake & Joshstepbrother in 2022, continued, "I know that there's been some catty remarks and things that have been said by him and by me but I don't want the public jumping on him because, in my times of struggle and times of pa...
how much Drake and Josh do not fit into theStar Warssetting.Josh looks at Drake with disapproval, who in this case, seems like he didn't anticipate the Jedi using their lightsabers to break through the door. Josh's face is filled with disappointment, which just makes it so much better....
” When Drake & Josh was on the air, it did, however, allow Peck and his mother to enjoy “a fairly middle-class life.”“My mom and I had a used BMW five series,” Peck said. “We lived in a two-bedroom apartment with amenities.” Since there are “no residuals on kids’ ...
Emily and a fight between the two of them breaks out before the competition. Luckily, security breaks it up before it gets out of hand. However, the girls are disqualified for the fighting. Drake and Josh decide to dance together and win the competition, both of them getting what they ...
SCENE INFORMATION:Ever heard the saying 'there are too many chefs in the kitchen"' Well in this case, three seems to be one too many. Drake Law, Josh Parker and Shaun Mann make a mockery of their kitchen's health and safety regulations, but they certainly provide each other with exceptio...
Now 37 years old, Bell was one of Nickelodeon’s biggest teen stars in this era. He was a cast member onThe Amanda Show, and then he and co-star Josh Peck were given their own Nick series,Drake & Josh, which ran for four seasons and 56 episodes on the channel. Bell met Peck whil...
Josh Peck & Drake Bell, Drake & Josh After one-half of the Nickelodeon duo didn't receive an invite to Josh's wedding, the newly minted groom addressed why they don't spend much time together anymore. "When people see Drake and I together—and it rarely happens jus...