Different aspects of the invention relate to a method for optimal differentiating between cardiac beat- and artifact-induced pressure waves and a method for obtaining new and improved information from said pressure signals. In particular, this invention describes a system for draining fluid from a ...
anterior; Post., posterior; Sup., superior; Inf., inferior anatomical position.B. The drawing highlights the lymphatic connections of the nasopharyngeal lymphatic plexus to the deep cervical lymphatics and deep cervical lymph nodes for cerebrospinal fluid in humans, ...
An improved cerebrospinal fluid draining system adapted for insertion into the human body in order to control fluid flow passage of the cerebrospinal fluid from an area in the vicinity of the brain to a remote point of the body. The cerebrospinal fluid drain system includes a longitudinally extend...
The meaning of DRAIN is to draw off (liquid) gradually or completely. How to use drain in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Drain.
A device for use in draining fluid from a container through a drain hole 13 disposed therein, which can be sealed by means of a threaded, bowl-shaped plug 17 having an outwardly open, cylindrical cavity 19 and two projections 20 which jut into the latter and are situated diametrically one ...
Yellow discharge from the ear may be due to an infection or injury. Your ear may be draining yellow fluid due to earwax, ear tube drainage, swimmer's ear, an injury or an infection. If you suddenly notice fluid draining out of your ear, you might be worried. Ears don't usually drain...
1.A cavity or hollow space in a bone of the skull, especially one that connects with the nose. 2.A channel for the passage of a body fluid, such as blood. The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second Edition. Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company...
Cerebrospinal fluid analysis results were within normal range. Brain computer tomography (CT) revealed no signs of acute infarction. A 24-h electroencephalography showed no clear epileptiform activity. Brain MRI showed multiple ring-enhancing lesions in both hemispheres, the largest one being in the ...
2. Medicine A device, such as a tube, inserted into the opening of a wound or body cavity to facilitate discharge of fluid or purulent material. 3. The act or process of draining. 4. a. A gradual outflow or loss; consumption or depletion: the drain of young talent by emigration. ...
Trace the flow of blood from the heart to the kidney and then back to the heart. Trace the pathway of blood flow through the heart. Choose the correct answer: Blood is filtered in kidneys by a. exiting capillaries b. exiting the lymphatic system c. draining from interstitial...