The mechanism of flow liquefaction in granular soils under drained conditions compared with that under undrained conditions is a subject of great interest. This paper discusses the diverse views in relation to the initiation of instability and the conceptual difficulties brought by the discrepancies. It...
A finite element model is built to analyse the pullout capacity of a stiff inclusion embedded in a soil matrix under both drained and undrained conditions. The influence of several parameters, including soil/reinforcement friction and vertical stress, on the pullout capacity of clean and silty san...
The behaviour of geosynthetic reinforced embankments constructed on soft cohesive foundations under undrained and partially drained conditions is examined using an elliptical cap soil model. Consolidation is modelled using Biot theory. The effects of reinforcement stiffness, partial consolidation of the foundat...
Undrained conditions at the megathrust elevate pore-fluid pressures and result in a low degree of metamorphism in the overlying plate. Pore-fluid pressures that are enhanced to near-lithostatic values under undrained conditions lower the shear strength of the megathrust sufficiently to facilitate ...
To investigate the influence of drainage conditions on stress relaxation characteristics of warm frozen soil, a series of laboratory tests were carried out under drained and undrained conditions. The results indicate that confining pressure obviously influences the relaxation process of warm frozen soil. ...
To investigate the influence of drainage conditions on stress relaxation characteristics of warm frozen soil, a series of laboratory tests were carried out under drained and undrained conditions. The results indicate that confining pressure obviously influences the relaxation process of warm frozen soil...
In this paper, field measurements of axial loaded to failure LDBP load test installed in OC stiff clay (Alzey Bridge Case Study, Germany) have been used to assess the quality of two numerical models established to simulate the pile behavior in both drained and undrained conditions. After ...
drained and undrained pullout capacitysoil/reinforcement frictionA finite element model is built to analyse the pullout capacity of a stiff inclusion embedded in a soil matrix under both drained and undrained conditions. The influence of several parameters, including soil/reinforcement friction and ...
Undrained pore pressure responseElastic and inelastic behaviorMicromechanismsA series of drained and undrained water-saturated constant mean-stress tests were performed to investigate the strength, elasticity, and poroelastic response of a water-saturated high porosity nonwelded tuff. Drained strengths are ...
Plastic deformationPoroplasticityUndrained testsMicro-mechanicsThis paper is devoted to numerical modeling of plastic behavior of porous rocks in both drained and undrained conditions. Based on the experimental data, we propose a new plastic model based on relevant micro-mechanical results, by considering...