【求生之路2】水障碍区 Half-Life 2: Water Hazard 1:30:11 【求生之路2】我们不去莱温霍姆2 We Don't Go To Ravenholm 2 47:08 【求生之路2】红色之城 Red City 34:37 【求生之路2】脑死亡 Brain 4 Dead 1:03:13 【求生之路2】军团要塞:沙漠矿区推车模式 Payload Upward ...
While you might think the grass is greener where water often puddles, it’s usually the opposite. Standing water in your yard or frequent flooding in your home usually means your yard or home needs a better drainage solution. This is where a French drain system can come in handy. These un...
preventing it from overflowing if you accidentally leave it on. An overflow drain can also help to keep a minimal level of water in a bathtub-as long as the overflow drain is kept in the right position, it will drain water, but keep the existing level...
The meaning of STORM DRAIN is a drain that carries water (such as rainwater) away from a street, parking lot, etc..
(Building) a pipe that conveys sewage or waste water from a toilet, etc, to a soil drain or sewer Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
A classic example of an overflow drain is found in many homes. Most bathroom tubs and sinks are equipped with this secondary drain as a means of preventing water from spilling onto the surrounding floor and causing water damage. With the tub, the overflow drain is often located several inches...
Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? Popular in Wordplay See All Terroir, Oenophile, & Magnum: Ten Words About Wine 8 Words for Lesser-Known Musical Instruments 10 Words from Taylor Swift Songs (Merriam's Version) ...
6. consume, waste, exhaust, empty, bleed, deplete, use up, sap, dissipate, expend, swallow up Deficits drain resources from the pool of national savings. noun 1. sewer, channel, pipe, sink, outlet, ditch, trench, conduit, duct, culvert, watercourse He built his own house and laid his...
away from the house would do any good. How could this simple thing correct an extreme water problem that has plagued me for years, cracked my foundation, settled my garage floor and ruined almost every vacation? The Linear French Drain trench running from the house. PHOTO CREDIT: Jim Sanders...
1. Luckily the water drained away in time. 幸好水及时排掉了。 2. Hang up the washing to drain. 把洗好的衣服挂起来让它晾干。 名词 1. What he has spent is a drain on the savings of his parents. 他所花费的会耗尽他父母的积蓄。