Artists Exhibitions Fairs Publication Reviews About 中文 Xu Zhen Drain the swamp! Dimensions : D.100cm Materials : Mirror-finished stainless steel, metal chains Year : 2023 Inquire
drain the swamp是什么意思_drain the swamp用英语怎么说_drain the swamp的翻译_drain the swamp翻译成_drain the swamp的中文意思_drain the swamp怎么读,drain the swamp的读音,drain the swamp的用法,drain the swamp的例句 翻译drain the swamp释义 清除积水 排忧解难(非正式) 实用场景例句 全部 We'll drai...
Consider the images coming out of South Florida the past few weeks—sailboats capsized and clotting on the shore; high-rises looking on, humiliated by their reflection in the flooded streets; palm carnage. These could easily be used to illustrate J.G. Ballard’s 1962 novel,The Drowned World....
Drain the swamp可以简单解释为特朗普在竞选期间对其支持者的一个承诺:从根本上彻底地改变华盛顿的政治生态。Drain的字面意思是抽干,指的是把液体慢慢移除的动作。Swamp和之前提到过的Quagmire意思相近,指的是沼泽、湿地。Drain the swamp的意思是抽干沼泽。这个词语最早起源于疟疾在欧美国家大规模传播的年...
川普的竞选口号中有“Drain the swamp”,即所谓将沼泽排干,将大银行家和华尔街人士都清除出去。但川普的"过渡小组“非但没有这样做,反而将大批华尔街人士、大银行家、和诸多亿万富翁都搜罗到川普麾下;以致如今川普政府里有9个亿万富翁。今天川普的顾问们正式说,所谓”排干沼泽“只是说说,川普不会这么做,川普需要...
转:川普要drain the swamp 抽干官僚主义的沼泽,先被沼泽整死。华盛顿联邦政府各个机构的沼泽很深,已经没有政客敢碰,共和党建制派rino高层现在笑得太开心,包括彭斯和Ron DeSantis。只要川普受挫,那些曾经的挺川者也是关键时刻见真伪,虚伪的rino支持者就投机倒把捅刀子,最近就拉黑若干rino,相比民主党烂了就烂了,最...
“Drain The Swamp”是两首歌曲的名字,分别由Bill Steele / The Red Dirt Wranglers / Conservative和Von Michael / SELAH演唱,前者属于乡村流派,后者属于嘻哈/说唱流派。 'drain the swamp'的字面与引申含义 “Drain the Swamp”这一短语从字面意思上看,指的是排干沼泽地。在自然界...
Drain the Swamp是来自维克菲尔德酒厂的一款新英格兰风格IPA,多汁,浑浊的酒体,带有明显的热带水果香气,添加阿马里洛(Amarillo),
I think we can drain the swamp. We can take on the Washington system. We can change from remote control to personal control of our lives.” In 2000, Reform Party presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan revived the phrase, and Nancy Pelosi used it as a theme for her successful bid to take...
Drain the Defence Swamp: A Blueprint for Weapons Acquisition Reform - the book about product design that Defence does NOT want you to read!