Legend, and Myth" (Norton, 2001), dragons "have composite features from many other beasts, such as the head of an elephant in India, that of a lion or bird of prey in the Middle East, or numerous heads of reptiles such as serpents. Their body color may range from green, red,...
1.(Myth) →dragónm 2.(=woman) →brujaf Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
In Armenian traditions, the fire and lightning god had powers to stay the dragon's control of the heavens, as could thunderbolts in Macedonian myth. A dead man was thought to become a dragon, while dragons were believed to be the guardians of treasures in burial chambers. ...
south was at the top of the mapin Al-Sharif al-Idrisi’s 1154 depiction of Africa and the Mediterranean region, as south was the direction of Mecca in Muslim mapmakers’ tradition. His maps
In the western myth, dragons often blow poisonous fire, kidnap princesses, and slanged by a hero/prince at the end. Personally I think it’s unfair they are accused for blowing fire and killing people, most of them probably have a fragile soft heart inside their giant body hoping to be ...
Here be (insert your preferred being here). Whether you finished the previous sentence with unicorns, dragons, centaurs, or another mythical or fearsome being, the phrase ‘here be dragons’ has infiltrated history and popular culture. The popularity of the phrase ‘here be dragons’ in movies,...
The UK is no stranger to dragons; the creatures play a central role in many a British chivalric myth. Now slaying crowds in the most positive way is The Hatchling, the world’s largest dragon puppet. Designed in consultation with a palaeontologist and inspired by the form of dinosaurs and ...
The primordialKuris often considered the first dragon within the web of vastliterary traditions from Sumeria. In the creation myth, he is described as residing in the void above the earth’s layer and below the primal sea. The monstrous entity is also often related to the Sumerian concept of...
In both Chinese and Japanese mythology, the dragon is closely associated with the watery realm, and in artwork is often surrounded by water or clouds. In myth, there are four dragon kings who rule over the four seas (which in the old Chinese conception limited the habitable earth). In ...
I was impressed by the beginning of this movie, which looked like an intriguing investigation of the past, but pretty soon it turned into a messy story of two boys, Manolo e Jose Maria, who grew up in a small Spanish city and then lost touch, but for some reasons, Manolo thought he ...