This guide is written by Meyra, a Vengeance main with a love for pushing Mythic+ keys and showcasing Proof of Concept keys with 5 tanks or other non-standard group compositions. They are a distinguished member and frequent contributor to Vengeance theory in the Demon Hunter class discord who ...
Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail) - hekili/Dragonflight/DemonHunterVengeance.lua at 4fd3f4963e1e87ae5d910b29ef4ba6d0f55914e4 · Hekili/hekili
DEMON HUNTER Vengeance All ability damage increased by 4%. DRUID New Talent: Rising Light, Falling Night – Increases your damage and healing by 3% during the day. Increases your Versatility by 2% during the night. Rebirth now costs 2% of base mana (was 0%). The cost is u...
DEMON HUNTER Developers' note: Fodder to the Flame changes are intended to help with consistency of behavior for the spawned Demon and its Soul. Vengeance should consistently 1-shot its Demon with Throw Glaive, and needing to collect a Demon Soul 40 yards away will be a thing of the pa...
DemonHunterHavoc.lua DemonHunterVengeance.lua DruidBalance.lua DruidFeral.lua DruidGuardian.lua DruidRestoration.lua EvokerAugmentation.lua EvokerDevastation.lua EvokerPreservation.lua HunterBeastMastery.lua HunterMarksmanship.lua HunterSurvival.lua Items.lua MageArcane.lua MageFire.lua
Marksmanship Hunter - 1.5% Frost Death Knight - 1.5% Arcane Mage - 1.5% Affliction Warlock - 1.5% Subtlety Rogue - 1.4% Feral Druid - 1.4% Devastation Evoker - 1.4% Assassination Rogue - 1.4% The Most Popular Tanks Vengeance Demon Hunter - 61.0% ...
Demon Hunter Vengeance Sigil of Silence duration reduced to 4 seconds (was 5 seconds). Sigil of Silence cooldown increased to 90 seconds (was 60 seconds). Cycle of Binding now reduces Sigil cooldowns by 2 seconds per trigger (was 3 seconds). Soul Cleave damage reduced by 8%. Druid ...
Amademon-illidan (Amademon) May 6, 2024, 5:16pm 72 Kaivax: Vengeance Sigil of Silence duration reduced to 4 seconds (was 5 seconds). Sigil of Silence cooldown increased to 90 seconds (was 60 seconds). Cycle of Binding now reduces Sigil cooldowns by 2 seconds per trigger (was 3 sec...
Vengeance Demon Hunter Tank God / S+ 89.4 NEW 15.0 197.3 3197.9 523.4 962224 48.8% Balance Druid DPS Fair / B 24.9 NEW 14.0 195.7 2905.6 522.8 148737 7.5% Feral Druid DPS Weak / C 10.6 NEW 14.0 192.1 2710.9 521.3 39477 2.0% Guardian Druid Tank Good / A 27.4 NEW 14.0 194.7 2950.0 522...
Is Demon Hunter a good class WoW? Vengeance, on the other hand, is a tank specialization that keeps some of that mobility but also comes with great defense and sustain. The two specs work great in both PvE and PvP. In fact, Demon Hunter is probably one of the best solo shuffle PvP ...