Dragon Isles Adventuring is a new system implemented for alts inDragonflight. It is very similar to the Battle for Azeroth alt leveling system where you get to choose your preferred zone. You must still complete theDragon Islesintro questline in your faction's capital city and a few quests i...
The Dark Heart content update ushers in the final chapter of the Dragonflight expansion setting the stage for the story in the upcoming expansion, The War Within.Khadgar has summoned you to Dalaran to help him investigate a mysterious figure called the Harbinger who possesses a powerful relic ...
Unfortunately,you can’t skip chaptersand you’ll have to complete the campaign following the intended quest order. If you don’t complete one or two quests, you won’t be able to advance to the next stage. Take your time and enjoy your first playthrough through the Patch 10.2 story....
Is a super long quest that takes you to other raids and build up the story in order to defeat Illidan. If you didn't do those quests, please don't share your opinions of "how bad was TBC story", if you didn't played it in the first place. - - - Updated - - - Originally Pos...
Players can complete the prologue story, "A Creche Divided," at the Forbidden Reach in 10.0.7. This chapter begins with “The Best We Have” at the Forbidden Reach, and ends with “A Creche Divided.” Once you finish the quest "Six Hundred Feet Under" on any character, concluding...
To unlock World Quests, you will need to complete the main story campaign in the Dragon Isles. Each zone has its own achievement for completing the main story in that zone: Waking Hope(The Waking Shores) Ohn’a’Roll(Ohn’ahran Plains) ...
Fixed an issue that would cause no options for Demon Hunters, Hunters, and Rogues on the quest Mysteries in Paper and Glass from Giera at Rank 25 with the Valdrakken Accord. Fixed an issue where healing spells and abilities did not trigger Voidmender's Shadowgem's effect. Additionally, Voi...
You will need to hand these in to Alyx each time you pick them up,so make sure you’ve got plenty of space in your quest log. When you’ve finished the final quest of the Guest Relations storyline (A Surprising Investigation) and handed in six Celebration Crates, you will unlock the ...
There are many cutscene placeholders in this intro questline that do not show any of the content, keeping the story within under closed wraps. One of them is triggered by starting a dialogue with one of the Dracthyr NPCs. The dialogue name is… “The Dawn of the Aspects.” For those wh...
World of Warcraft Dragonflight’s Embers of Neltharion update brought in a ton of fresh content for players to sink their teeth into. Along with an assortment of new enemies and items, a new main campaign quest series was also added, progressing the story of the expansion. As long as you...