New Campaign chapters and local stories are available. The first part of the "Embers of Neltharion" campaign is already available in game! Players can complete the prologue story, "A Creche Divided," at the Forbidden Reach in 10.0.7. This chapter begins with “The Best We Have” a...
World of Warcraft Dragonflight’s Embers of Neltharion update brought in a ton of fresh content for players to sink their teeth into. Along with an assortment of new enemies and items, a new main campaign quest series was also added, progressing the story of the expansion. As long as you ...
We're gonna see either a Northern EK revamp + Dragon Isles, and other continents revamped through patches/expansions (living world mechanic of campaign taking place progressively on Azeroth?) OR a full world revamp + one zone being the Dragon Isles. Honestly they could do a small 2-3 ...
This change brings Timewalking Campaign and the present timeline into better alignment.ITEMS AND REWARDSCROSS-REALM TRADING Players will now be able to trade items and gold directly to characters on other realms in their region. Previously this was limited to things like conjured items...
Trial of Valor (3 boss raid), Mega dungeon (Karazhan), Nighthold (and it's campaign quests leading up to it weeks before) all came out in short succession. There was a lot of content in early Legion, plenty to do, and if you're the type of players that liked jumping between ...
Almost a month after we set sail for the Dragon Isles, a new raid, Vault of the Incarnates, will release, on Dec. 13. It will also mark the beginning of season one ofDragonflightwith a new Mythic+ dungeon pool and the PvP season officially starting. ...
To unlock World Quests, you will need to complete the main story campaign in the Dragon Isles. Each zone has its own achievement for completing the main story in that zone: Waking Hope(The Waking Shores) Ohn’a’Roll(Ohn’ahran Plains) ...
Dragonflight Season Two Master can again be completed by reaching 2,000 Mythic+ score. Fixed an issue where players were not getting credit for Still Standing in Firedespite dying to Ire of Fyrakk. Dungeons and raids Mythic+ Halls of Infusion ...
Varx Banned Join Date Jul 2014 Posts 2,589 Originally Posted by micwini Sinestra as 10.0's final boss? Sorry bro, that character was already killed in cata Might wanna do the shaman order hall campaign. She's very much active out there in the great dark beyond. The twilight's ham...
Shadow Priest Elemental Shaman In the Auction House, items with long names will always have their crafted quality icon shown instead of being cut off. A new celebratory popup will appear when you unlock a Great Vault slot or upgrade the reward of a slot. ...