Resto shaman talent tree for Mythic+ This serves as your primary build for nearly all Mythic+ keys. However, it’s not the sole option available. Do you know why? Because it bears a slight drawback – it depletes your mana, necessitating the need to consume food between battles. BgQAAAA...
It would promote keeping Lifebloom up as much as possible (which is already something a resto druid should be doing). The only non-passive elements are that it encourages using Efflorescence even in situations where it would be mostly wasteful otherwise (does not add to our playstyle in a...
Developers’ note: The 10.0.5 talent tree update for Arms will make for more flexible builds, however, their performance in AoE in Dungeons and Raids hasn’t been where we would like relative to other specs, so we’re additionally making some tweaks to improve things. Fury Onslaught damage ...