PriestDiscipline.lua PriestHoly.lua PriestShadow.lua RogueAssassination.lua RogueOutlaw.lua RogueSubtlety.lua ShamanElemental.lua ShamanEnhancement.lua ShamanRestoration.lua WarlockAffliction.lua WarlockDemonology.lua WarlockDestruction.lua WarriorArms.lua WarriorFury.lua WarriorProtection.lua Libs Shadowl...
reducing risk factors involved with mana-free healing, and allowing us to lean more into mana regeneration as a powerful tool in a Holy Paladin’s kit. We
Flash of Light healing increased by 50 percent for Holy Paladins in PvP combat (was 25 percent). Holy Light healing increased by 100 percent in PvP combat (was 75 percent). Aura Mastery now reduces the damage allies in your aura take by 30 percent in PvP combat (was 15 percent). Vengea...
PvP trinket status has been added to the right of the enemy’s frame. An icon indicating the enemy’s specialization is now shown during the pre-match phase. Pre-match frames can’t be used for targeting and don’t show power bars. ...
Shadow Priest Elemental Shaman In the Auction House, items with long names will always have their crafted quality icon shown instead of being cut off. A new celebratory popup will appear when you unlock a Great Vault slot or upgrade the reward of a slot. ...