Warlock is an easy class when it comes to survivability, while it is hard when it come to the rotational complexity. Currently, the single-target variant of the spec only needs about 12–14 key binds, but the way that it is played may be difficult for some. One...
Guardian Druid Talents. [NNF] denotes a talent that has a temporary, not yet final name. Guardian Row 1 Maul:Maul the target for Physical damage. Guardian Row 2 Gore:Thrash, Swipe, Moonfire, and Maul have a 15% chance to reset the cooldown on Mangle, and to cause it to generate an ...
I dont get it, so in the Druid talents as a guardian druid to get the typhoon spell i have to spend points on a bunch of useless caster stuff just to reach typhoon? Whats the point of making a "Druid" talent tree if you are going to hide talents behind a pile of v...
Oh ya and its pretty obv which talents are absolute shit and which ones will be mandatory to function as a spec. For rdruid there is literally only 1 free talent point to spend however you want, the rest are all mandatory choices. You are clueless on how to play resto druid and I...
Hekili Priority Helper for DPS and Tanks (WoW Retail) - hekili/Dragonflight/DruidGuardian.lua at 4fd3f4963e1e87ae5d910b29ef4ba6d0f55914e4 · Hekili/hekili
Most notably for Guardian is perhaps the return of an old favorite Rage of the Sleeper which was Guardian’s artifact ability back in Legion! Have fun and good luck exploring your new talent tree. We’ll see all you Druids in the new expansion! About the Author Si Yan Si Yan is an...
The cost is unchanged for Guardian Druids in Bear Form.All 10.1.5 Balance ChangesDevelopers’ note: The following changes are working toward providing more build diversity for Balance Druids, though we’re happy with the current builds and want them to remain popular. We’d like Stellar Flare...
meta. While Guardian Druid and Augmentation Evoker received relativity small nerfs, Fire Mage and Shadow Priest were slammed with the nerf hammer. I wish someone could prove me wrong, but it seems as if Fire Mages will fall one or two tiers now and won’t be an S+ tier spec anymore. ...
DruidGuardian.lua DruidRestoration.lua EvokerAugmentation.lua EvokerDevastation.lua EvokerPreservation.lua HunterBeastMastery.lua HunterMarksmanship.lua HunterSurvival.lua Items.lua MageArcane.lua MageFire.lua MageFrost.lua MonkBrewmaster.lua MonkMistweaver.lua MonkWindwalker.lua PaladinHoly.lua Paladin...
2. Guardian Druid (S Tier) Guardian Druid is a very obvious S-tier tank that has just got great Mobility and stealth, so it can sneak up into a base if it needs to ninja cap, it's going to bring Cyclone brings a lot of group utility as well, with useful s...