{ id = 206572, cast = 0, cooldown = 20, gcd = "off", pvptalent = "dragon_charge", startsCombat = false, texture = 1380676, handler = function () end, }, execute = { id = function () return talent.massacre.enabled and 281000 or 163201 end, known = 163201, copy =...
The mage tree has basically no coherent build, and tons of points that you take because you HAVE to. For the classes sake, i really hope Blizzard is watching the feedback. Same with Frost DK and the mages. I can come up with a few coherent builds with DK (there are some oddities ...
Frost Death Knight does a lot of damage, it's super squishy, pretty much the same survivability as Unholy DK. But its consistent damage is just out the window. If you're not killing in your burst windows, if people know how to stop your burst, if they ...
The new talent system is pretty great, but it works best when leveling a new character, as you get to explore the new talents little by little. However, if youre a new player or when youre jumping in to a pre-Dragonflight pre-patch alt, and especially if
Frost Death Knights are a melee DPS specialization that has a simple and friendly play style and offers powerful single-target and AoE damage. Frost DK with huge AOE damage and great survivability, is the easiest specialization to level. Its mechanics are simple and don...
2. Best Unholy Death Knight Setup for Torghast, Tower of the Damned 3. Best Anima Powers for Unholy Death Knight 4. Unholy Death Knight Playstyle for Torghast, Tower of the Damned 1. Torghast as a Unholy Death Knight This page will help you perform the best with your Unholy Death Knight...
And Frost got it's talent not found talent, but I think it may have been better as 2/2 that did nothing before. It's situational and where we are already starved for points and not picking perpetual winter, we definately are never picking this unless we go full AoE build without ever...
-- https://wowhead.com/beta/spell=122 frost_nova = { id = 122, duration = function() return talent.improved_frost_nova.enabled and 8 or 6 end, type = "Magic", max_stack = 1 }, -- Movement speed reduced by $w1%. -- https://wowhead.com/beta/spell=289308 frozen_orb = {...
16. Holy DK (A Tier) According to your description, it seems like Holy DK is not as bursty as Frost DK and is more focused on sustained single-target damage. While burst damage is typically more desirable, Holy DK has the advantage of grip. Overall, you believe H...