Why are we still trying to enable "2 paths", just get rid of the "bite" build and clean up the ridiculously awkward and annoying talents in the bleed build (Bloodtalons being #1). Unite the spec again. Brutal Slash needs to be re-tuned to not outshine Shred in ST. Stop the fo...
( spec.talents.tear_open_wounds[2], nil, not state.talent.tear_open_wounds.enabled ) ) end, type = "toggle", width = "full" } ) spec:RegisterStateExpr( "funneling", function() return settings.use_funnel and talent.taste_for_blood.enabled and talent.relentless_predator.enabled a...
Blood Dk best stats IN THE SAME CATEGORY Blood Death Knight Easy Mode Transmog Death Knight Sets Transmog Death Knight Models Level up a Death Knight Unholy Death Knight Easy Mode LATEST NEWS Ships Getting HD Models in Patch 10.2.5 Liquid Down to 6% on Fyrakk, Just as Echo Go to Sleep...
General Information On this page, we tell you all you need to know to prepare your Unholy Death Knight before enteringTorghastand then how to pick up the right Anima Powers once you are inside! Unholy Death Knight Guide Hero TalentsLevelingEasy ModeBuilds and TalentsRotation, Cooldowns, and Abi...
Blood DK is the worst out of all the tanks. Its defenses don't save its life nearly as much as the other tank specs. It has no way to mitigate damage nearly as much at least in PvP. Blood DK is trash. Blood DKs have the furthest range, it also h...
However, if set too low, you may use these abilities but " .. "fail to crit.", spec.abilities.bloodthirst.name, spec.abilities.bloodbath.name, Hekili:GetSpellLinkWithTexture( spec.talents.recklessness[2] ), Hekili:GetSpellLinkWithTexture( spec.talents.bloodcraze[2] ), Hekili:GetS...
These are the only abilities affected by talents that improve "Weapon Poison" damage or efficacy. AbilityTypeDescription/Effect Instant Poison Lethal Deals Nature damage whenever it procs. You always have access to it. You always have access to it. Wound Poison Lethal Deals a small amount of ...
6. Blood Death Knight (C Tier) Now tanks are a really tough call, tanks will only queue if fighting other tanks. So you know Blood DK will probably feel better than Guardian Druid on a wrathy basin but we would doubt it on Warsong Gulch being able to grip enemi...
} ) -- PvP Talents spec:RegisterPvpTalents( { ethereal_blink = 5602, -- (410939) Blink and Shimmer apply Slow at 100% effectiveness to all enemies you Blink through. For each enemy you Blink through, the cooldown of Blink and Shimmer are reduced by 1 sec, up to 5 sec. flameca...