- Tome of Almost True Tales uncommon - Tome of the Pretenders SM Free rare Bracers & Bracelets - Bands of the Restful Sloth common - Bracer of the Silver Wyrmling common - Bracers of the Golden Bell rare • Bracers of the Grillmaster uncommon - Bracers of the Guardian ⛊ uncommon - ...
Wiens said, “They had never seen anything like it, either.” [The Bakersfield Californian] Posted in Awesome, Dragon, Fairy Tales, James Cameron, Na'vi | Comments Off on Flying Dragon Spotted in California!R/C Fire Breathing DragonThursday...
more tales of the unscreenshotable. AI-powered Self Service Checkouts. Why pipes sometimes get “stuck”: buffering. (via) Minitel: The Online World France Built Before the Web. (via) Monsters, Aliens, and Holes in the Ground. Tabletop RPG history. (via) ...
◆ For the weapon "Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers," the name of the weapon affix "Legacy" is revised to "Heritage." ◆ The name of Fischl's Passive Talent "Lightning Smite" is revised to "Undone Be Thy Sinful Hex." ◆ The name of the weapon "Blackcliff Amulet" is revised to "B...
◆ For the weapon “Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers,” the name of the weapon affix “Legacy” is revised to “Heritage.” ◆ The name of Fischl’s Passive Talent “Lightning Smite” is revised to “Undone Be Thy Sinful Hex.”
在“用iptales实现包过虑型防火墙”一文中我们说过,netfilter是Linux 核心中一个通用架构,它提供了一系列的"表"(tables),每个表由若干"链"(chains)组成,而每条链中可以有一条或数条规则(rule)组成。并且系统缺省的表是"filter"。但是在使用NAT的时候,我们所使用的表不再是"filter",而是"nat"表,所以我们必须使...
Greetings, and welcome to my little spot on the internet. I am Nathan, known online for the last 29 years asThe Amethyst Dragon. I make a lot of D&D 5e game content, which you can find simply by scrolling downward on this page. ...