Based on George R.R. Martin's "Fire & Blood," the series, set 200 years before the events of "Game of Thrones," tells the story of House Targaryen. €22.49 SD HD Buy a series pass Buy a series pass and get all current and future episodes of series Season 2Can't play on this...
内容提示: 有冕女王 The Queen Who Ever Was 第二季 第八集 这就是我们的条件 These are our terms. 一百枚金龙 One hundred of your golden dragons. 每艘船? Per ship? 每个人 Per man. 就算我想 我也弄不来这么多钱 I could not produce such a coin, even if I wanted to. 你又开始哭穷了 ...
It is well known that in Game of Thrones, brothels are just as likely to decide the fates of the kingdom as throne rooms.“The Burning Mill,” the third episodeofHouse of the Dragonseason 2, pulls back the curtain in this regard — literally, on stray blowjobs and several rooms of si...
HBO Teases Epic Battle in ‘House of the Dragon’ Season 3, Confirms ‘Knight of the Seven Kingdoms’ Trilogy & New Game of Thrones Spinoff! 2/13/2025 by Valentina Kraljik Comic Basics Matt Smith (XI) Days Of Our Lives: Who Has Replaced Madelyn Kientz As Sophia Choi On Daytime Drama...
House of the Dragon《龙之家族(2022)》第二季第三集完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 血色播种 TheRedSowing 第二季第七集 我是七大王国的女王 YoustandbeforetheQueenoftheSevenKingdoms 你竟敢带着坦格利安家族的龙来我面前 withadragonofHouseTargaryen! 这非我本意 ...
又名:龙族 / 权力的游戏前传:龙族 / 权力的游戏衍生剧:龙族 / 坦格利安 / 龙王家族 / 权力的游戏:龙之堡 / Fire & Blood 本剧改编自乔治·马丁的《血与火》,背景为《权力的游戏》涉及事件的200年前,聚焦坦格利安家族。故事将讲述坦格利安家族的衰落,以及被称之为“血龙狂舞”的家族内战。
House of the Dragon《龙之家族(2022)》第二季第七集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,血色播种 The Red Sowing 第二季 第七集 我是七大王国的女王 You stand before the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms 你竟敢带着坦格利安家族的龙来我面前 with a dragon of House Targaryen!
House of the Dragon: Created by Ryan J. Condal, George R.R. Martin. With Matt Smith, Fabien Frankel, Steve Toussaint, Emma D'Arcy. An internal succession war within House Targaryen at the height of its power, 172 years before the birth of Daenerys Targar