dragonlike (ˈdræɡənˌlaɪk) adj similar to a dragon in form or character Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
and a great deal more. It is a mysterious, fabulouscreature in many respects like the dragon of western fables, but far surpassingit. Not only supernatural, but almost divine qualities are attributed to it.”(龙通常被译为dragon,它对中华民族的意义就和鹰对我们的...
龙的形象 The Chinese dragon also called:Loong or Long, or龙 in Chinese,is a long, serpentine-like creature in Chinese mythology.中国龙在汉语中,是中国神话中一种长而蛇形的生物。In sharp contrast to Western ideas about dragons, Chinese dragonsare a symb...
莎士比亚把杀人者比喻为 dragon ——中国的龙为什么必须重新翻译 黄佶 今年两会上,陕西省全国政协委员岳崇提交《关于纠正龙与 dragon 翻译错误的提案》,再次把如何英译“龙”这一问题引入公众视野。龙为什么不能译为 dragon?因为 dragon 在西方文化中代表恶魔。以下是笔者收集到的一些资料。 在莎士比亚名剧《罗密欧与...
他写道:“Theloong or dragon, as it is commonly translated, is to the Chinese nation allthat the eagle is to us, and a great deal more. It is a mysterious, fabulouscreature in many respects like the dragon of western fables, but far surpassingit. Not only supernatural, but almost divine...
他写道:“Theloong or dragon, as it is commonly translated, is to the Chinese nation allthat the eagle is to us, and a great deal more. It is a mysterious, fabulouscreature in many respects like the dragon of western fables, but far surpassingit. Not only supernatural, but almost divine...
The Chinese Dragon, also known as the loong, long or lung (simplified Chinese: 龙; traditional Chinese: 龍; pinyin: lóng), is a legendary creature in Chinese mythology, Chinese folklore, and Chinese culture at large.[1] Chinese dragons have...
我看你才是海蛇,撒旦,不懂别瞎说,撒旦的英文是Demon亦或者是Devil,Sea snake才是海蛇的翻译 ...
他写道:“Theloong or dragon, as it is commonly translated, is to the Chinese nation allthat the eagle is to us, and a great deal more. It is a mysterious, fabulouscreature in many respects like the dragon of western fables, but far surpassingit. Not only supernatural, but almost divine...
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