3éléments PS5 Offre de jeu groupéeDragon's Dogma 2 Deluxe Edition €84,99 PS5 Dragon's Dogma 2 €74,99 PS5 DémoDragon's Dogma 2 Création et stockage de personnages Gratuit 1 Trier et filtrer Pays/région : France Assistance Confidentialité et cookies Conditions d'utilisation du site...
《Dragon's Dogma 2》遊戲特色 精緻的角色建立選項 相較於初代遊戲,《Dragon's Dogma 2》大幅改善角色創建選項,玩家可自訂覺醒者和主要隨從的個人造型。 兩個截然不同的危險王國 覺醒者必須穿梭於貝爾蒙特和巴塔爾這兩個均受到龍族威脅的王國。每個地區對待覺醒者的態度各不相同,瞭解自己在這些社會中的地位至關重要...
Dragon’s Dogma is a single player, narrative driven action-RPG series that challenges the players to choose their own experience – from the appearance of their Arisen, their vocation, their party, how to approach different situations and more. Now, in this long-awaited sequel, the deep, ...
这条约战已经过期,请慎重邀约 PS5龙之信条2 dawnbladeiii2024-03-31 15:50发布 湖北 4月16日星期二2人招募 随从分享 200+级全徽章 PSN: Dawnbladeiii 免费送初心之证
这条约战已经过期,请慎重邀约 PS5龙之信条2 oraclecmy2024-07-04 18:51发布 河北 7月7日星期日8人招募 求大佬加我,用几个强力随从~~ PSN:OracleCmY
在继承了具有独自游戏价值的开放世界动作游戏《Dragon's Dogma 2》中,你可享受想像中的自由冒险。 类型:角色扮演 视角:第三人称视角 版本:发行版本 游戏本体 模式:单人 主题:动作,幻想,开放世界 引擎:RE Engine 龙之信条 2 点击播放 龙之信条 2 视频 ...
Dragon’s Dogma is a single player, narrative driven action-RPG series that challenges the players to choose their own experience – from the appearance of their Arisen, their vocation, their party, how to approach different situations and more. Now, in this long-awaited sequel, the deep, exp...
Dragon’s Dogma is a single player, narrative driven action-RPG series that challenges the players to choose their own experience – from the appearance of their Arisen, their vocation, their party, how to approach different situations and more. Now, in this long-awaited sequel, the deep, ...
Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophies Trophies (All) Order (PSN) Hide Secret Trophies The True ArisenCollected all other Dragon's Dogma 2 trophies. 16.60%Rare First Taste of FreedomEscaped the bonds of slavery. 17th Mar 2024 6:14:10 PM 96.84%Common ArisenRegained your memories of receiving ...
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