If you get stuck on any particular quest, we’ve got walkthroughs for quests like“Oxcart Courier,”“The Ornate Box,”“Hunt for the Jadeite Orb,”and“Prey for the Pack.”When you’re ready to really sink your teeth into the main story, seethe best order for Captain Brant’s quests...
As mentioned above, many forgeries inDragon’s Dogma 2aren’t really worth the cost as they don’t inherit the most useful qualities of their originals. Or, even if they do, the forgeries cost more than the original items. However, some forgeries are very useful in specific situations. I...
Dragon's Dogma 2 is filled with choices, some of which cause minor ripples, others can be the difference between life and death. In this Dragon's Dogma 2 choices guide we highlight the conversations we felt had impact, and the outcome of the choices avai
Dragon’s Dogma 2is really good at shepherding you along to the next thing. Like a great Dungeon Master inD&D, it might put an enticing side quest in the same cave as your main quest, or you might encounter a villager on the road who needs an escort to their home town — which, as...
Dragon's Dogma 2 has you facing off against numerous giant beasts, from typical fantasy tropes to mythological creatures. Each creature has a weak spot, which you'll want to hit hard as often as possible to deal more damage. It's also a good idea to look for NPCs/pawns that are travel...