The Legacy of Goku II follows the style of the RPG genre, and organizes the storyline a bit rigid. You will take the role of one from the five heroes: Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, and finally is Hecurle, to explore all over 15 different locations on the world map. If you’ve ev...
Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku ROM Download Rating: File Name: 0434 - Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy Of Goku (U)(Mode7).zip Size: 4.49MB Console GBA Category: Role-Playing Region: Japanese Release Year: 2002 Downloads: 11050 Download Dragon Ball Z - The Legacy of Goku...
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku is an action/adventure RPG based on Dragon Ball Z. The game was developed by Webfoot Technologies, the first American company to make a Dragon Ball Z video game for the Game Boy Advance. The Legacy of Goku is the first g
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 龙珠Z:悟空的遗产的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
Этотсценарий, предшествующийсюжету DRAGON BALL Z KAKAROT, возвращаетвасвпоследнююсериюаниме DRAGON BALL Z.ПослеграндиознойбитвысмадзиномБуупрошло 10 лет. Г...
See Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II's production, company, and contact information. Explore Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource fo
Goku keert terug naar de basis van de DRAGON BALL Z-spellen en is er nu klaar voor om zijn gevreesde technieken, geboren uit een combinatie van Saiyan DNA en aardse vechtkunsten, te ontketenen! Deze content bevat: • Goku als nieuw speelbaar personage • 5 alternatieve kleuren voo...
Goku finishes Omega Shenron with the Universal Genki Dama Goku in Fusion Reborn Goku goes Super Saiyan 3 in Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn Super Saiyan God Goku getting used to being a god Goku looks down on Frieza Goku in the Dragon Ball Super movie Super Saiyan God Goku being destroyed by...
Coming back to the roots of the DRAGON BALL Z series, Goku is now ready to unleash his fearsome techniques, born from the combination of Saiyan DNA and earthling martial arts This content includes • Goku as a new playable character • 5 alternative