Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku is an action/adventure RPG based on Dragon Ball Z. The game was developed by Webfoot Technologies, the first American company to make a Dragon Ball Z video game for the Game Boy Advance. The Legacy of Goku is the first g
Coming back to the roots of the DRAGON BALL Z series, Goku is now ready to unleash his fearsome techniques, born from the combination of Saiyan DNA and earthling martial arts This content includes • Goku as a new playable character • 5 alternative
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku I & II There are currently no available deals GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Latest on Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku I & II 15 We have no news or videos forDragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku I & II. Sorry!
Name Goku Other Names 悟空/ カカロット (Kakarrot) Wealth 1 27 Role Protagonist From Dragon Ball Z Media Type anime Voiced By Sean Schemmel, Seán Christian Schemmel, Voiced By Masako Nozawa, 野沢雅子, のざわ まさこ Voiced By Wendel Bezerra, , Tags arm guards, spiky hair, karate,...
Obtenez le déblocage anticipé de Son Goku (SSB) et Vegeta (SSB) pour jouer avec ces 2 personnages surpuissants tout de suite.Capables d'attaques dévastatrices et de techniques impressionnantes, ces 2 guerriers venus du nouvel Anime DRAGON BALL SUPER trouveront à coup sûr une place de...
Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku IIJune 20, 2016 Experience the continuation of the saga, where Goku and his son deal with their rivals. Use the ability of transformation and see what traits it gives to one or another hero. Play the game and learn everything about its universe. ...
Een verhaal dat zich afspeelt na het hoofdverhaal van DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT... ervaar de laatste aflevering van de anime DRAGON BALL Z! Tien jaar zijn verstreken sinds het epische gevecht met Majin Buu. Goku staat op het punt voor het eerst sinds een tijdje weer aan het World Tournamen...
Super Hero Games Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku IIGame Info Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku IIJune 20, 2016 Experience the continuation of the saga, where Goku and his son deal with their rivals. Use the ability of transformation and see what traits it gives to one or another he...
Series information for the "Dragon Ball" animated TV series, including a detailed listing and breakdown of all 153 episodes.