the process), creates a distraction, steals all of the Dragon Balls Freeza has managed to collect, leaves, apparently perfects his ki sensing, steals (what he thinks is) the last Dragon Ball, and finally fights the bejeezus out of Zarbon, impaling him and blasting his body into the ocean...
In Dragon Ball Z: Supersonic Warriors 2, it is implied that Dabura is around Super Perfect Cell's power level or slightly higher, which is presumably a reference to his being able to fight a rusty Gohan as a Super Saiyan 2 and Goku's statements that compare him to Cell. ...
Could be, but the biggest reason to marry her was not in her personality. It was in her hair. Because I knew that our offspring would have her lovely golden hair. Which means that my son will look like Gohan fromDragon Ball Z. Not just a Gohan, but Gohan in his Super Saiyan 2 for...