Dragon Ball Z | 298 hits ☰ Random Anime Dragon Ball (Series) | Expand List Share ▼ Story The series begins with a young monkey-tailed boy named Son Goku befriending a teenage girl named Bulma. Together they go on a quest to find the seven Dragon Balls, which grant the user any...
Dragon Ball Z: With Doc Harris, Christopher Sabat, Scott McNeil, Sean Schemmel. With the help of the powerful Dragonballs, a team of fighters led by the saiyan warrior Goku defend the planet earth from extraterrestrial enemies.
Dragon Ball Z, Japanese anime television series based on the Dragon Ball manga (Japanese comic) by Toriyama Akira. The story follows martial arts master Son Goku and his allies as they fight to defend Earth from a variety of aliens, androids, and mystical creatures. Originally airing in Japan...
Japanese anime television series Share Images Dragon Ball Z The Dragon Ball Z logo, on the start screen of the 1995 video gameDragon Ball... © ArcadeImages/Alamy and Tose (Developer)/Bandai (Publisher) Goku and friends Goku (right) standing with (from left) Trunks, Vegeta, and Gohan in...
In 1993, Dragon Ball Z hosted a Fuji TV year-end special, which is listed as currently being in the Toei archives. However, this being the last box release of Dragon Ball Z televised material, it is somewhat sad that this footage was not included on either of the boxes. It would be ...
Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might: With Don Brown, Ted Cole, Paul Dobson, Saffron Henderson. Peace on Earth is disrupted when a giant tree emerges, threatening to absorb the planet. Goku faces the sinister Saiyan pirate Turles, the mastermind behind this
At some point during or after the series’ production, Fuji TV approached Toei requesting a replacement series for the waningTorikoanime. With Toei having a newly produced series already in hand, it was decided thatDragon Ball Kaiwould return to retake its old time slot on Fuji TV after all...
Dragon Ball Z: Doragon bôru zetto: With Jôji Yanami, Kyle Hebert, Masako Nozawa, Sean Schemmel. The adventures of Earth's martial arts defender, Son Goku, continue with a new family and the revelation of his alien origins. Now Goku and his allies m
Dragon Ball Z is the kind of anime you will either love or hate. I think it's a great action series, one of the kings of its genre and a classic among anime. The plot may be worthy of its nickname Drag-On Ball Z (even more-so in the Japanese version), but it's the characters...
Dragon Ball Z S14.E18All episodes Cast & crew IMDbProAll topicsReturn to the Other World Episode aired Oct 3, 2002 TV-PG 24m IMDb RATING 7.3/10 1.4K YOUR RATING RateAnimeHand-Drawn AnimationMartial ArtsShōnenSuperheroActionAdventureAnimationFantasySci-Fi...