In Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly, the disgraced shaman Maloja is revealed to have witnessed the Dragon Team's battle with Broly and his status as the Legendary Super Saiyan. Maloja ends up finding Broly's Landing Site and his Attack Ball which contained blood that had come from Broly's chest ...
Dragon Ball Z[]Pre-Saiyan Saga[]Main article: Vegeta Saga Before the 24th World Martial Arts Tournament in Spencer World, Brandi watch Zesmond Spencer fight with evil Perfect Cell on the day on the wasteland battlefield during she's too along with others to fight Cell Juniors...
In Dragon Ball Z, a bat is seen in Diablo Desert when Chi-Chi and Ox-King travel through it to go to Kame House, and ask Roshi about her son (who is training under Piccolo at Break Wasteland). Another bat is seen in Break Wasteland. ...
In Dragon Ball Z, a bat is seen in Diablo Desert when Chi-Chi and Ox-King travel through it to go to Kame House, and ask Roshi about her son (who is training under Piccolo at Break Wasteland). Another bat is seen in Break Wasteland. ...
The three-disc Dragon Ball Z BGM Collection was released on 22 February 2006 and contains an expanded selection of Dragon Ball Z TV series and movie background music than originally featured on the Daizenshū set.The table below outlines all of the musical pieces used in the film, and which...
Dragon Ball Legends Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot Dragon Ball: The BreakersIn Super Battle, Launch is seen in the background of the World Martial Arts Tournament battle stage. In Budokai 3, Launch continues to appear until the end of the series, always looking for Tien. In addition to that, sh...
3.1 Background 3.2 Dragon Ball Z 3.2.1 Saiyan Saga 3.2.2 Frieza Saga 3.2.3 Frieza-Androids Interlude 3.2.4 Androids Saga 3.2.5 Cell Saga 3.2.6 Great Saiyaman Saga 3.2.7 World Tournament Saga 3.2.8 Majin Buu Saga 3.2.9 Gods of the Universe Saga 3.3 Dragon Ball Super 3.3.1 God ...
Anyway, the escaping clones arrive at the bank of the big lake, but just then a Team Rocket helicopter comes along with a machine that paralyzes them before Pokéballs rain down from one of the airships to capture them. Meowth frantically tries to help his paralyzed clone, who stoically ...
3.1 Background 3.2 Dragon Ball Z 3.2.1 World Tournament Saga 3.2.2 Majin Buu Saga 3.3 Dragon Ball Daima 3.3.1 Daima Saga 3.4 Dragon Ball Super 3.4.1 "Future" Trunks Saga 3.5 Dragon Ball GT 3.5.1 Shadow Dragon Saga 4 Other Dragon Ball stories 4.1 Dragon Ball SD 4.2 Dokkan Batt...
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