Hindi dub: Kishore BhattHungarian dub: Levente Kárpáti BattlesDragon Ball ZSuper Buu vs. Gotenks (Base/Super Saiyan) Super Buu vs. Krillin (Anime only) Super Buu vs. Gotenks (Super Saiyan 3/Base) Super Buu vs. Gohan (Ultimate) Super Buu (Gotenks absorbed) vs. Gohan (Ultimate) Super ...
hindi dub is premium get even more with mega fan: ad-free anime offline viewing available on multiple devices 7-day free trial after your free crunchyroll premium: mega fan trial, your account will automatically renew at $11.99 per month. compare our premium plans good bye, dragon life 4.4 ...
Hindi dub: Rajesh Kava Thai dub: Ittipol Mamekeed (8th movie), Kaiwan Wattanakrai (10th and 11th movie) Korean dub: Kim Gi-hyeong (Tooniverse dub), Kim Hye-seong (Daewon TV Redub) Battles[] Films Broly (Base/A-type Super Saiyan) vs. Goku Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan) vs. Goku ...
This is a list of both Japanese and American soundtracks from all four Dragon Ball series. Shunsuke Kikuchi score (Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z and revised episodes 1-98 of Dragon Ball Z Kai) [Japanese version and numerous international dubs] Peter Berring
Super Dragon Ball HeroesPrison Planet SagaMain article: Prison Planet SagaIn the manga, Shin is on Beerus' Planet watching as Goku and Vegeta train with Whis. When Shin suggests a break, they are interrupted by Future Mai who tells them that Future Trunks has been kidnapped. Soon after Fu ...
Turles destroys his Power Ball Power Ball –By combining ki with the planet's atmosphere, a sphere of condensed Blutz Waves is created. Using this, a Saiyan can achieve the Great Ape transformation even when a full moon (or similar planetary body) is not present. In the Funimation dub,...
Hindi dub: Rajesh ShuklaGreek dub: Vasilis PapastathisMandarin dub: Li ShiyangThai dub: Sorawit Tongteng BattlesDragon Ball Super MangaGamma 2 vs. Piccolo Gamma 2 vs. Piccolo (Ultimate) Gamma 2 and Gamma 1 vs. Gohan (Ultimate) and Piccolo (Ultimate) Gamma 2 vs. Piccolo (Ultimate/Orange ...