Moro (モロ, Moro), known as "Planet-Eater Moro" or "Moro, Consumer of Worlds" (星喰いのモロ, Hoshikui no Moro), is a powerful wizard who threatened Universe 7 about ten million years ago. He is the main antagonist of the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga. Mo
[8] In the Black Star Dragon Ball Saga of Dragon Ball GT, the first Black Star Dragon Ball collected is the Four-Star Dragon Ball. Later, in the Shadow Dragon Saga, the only good Shadow Dragon, Nuova Shenron, is the Four-Star Dragon. During the Tournament of Destroyers in Dragon Ball...
Saganbo (サガンボ Saganbo) is the leader of his crew and an ally of Moro, whom he serves as Second-in-Command to. He is the secondary antagonist of the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga. Contents 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Biography 3.1 Background 3.2 Dragon Ball Super 3.2.1 Galactic ...
While waiting to find out if the Dragon Ball Super anime returns, Toyotaro’s manga continues its course with a new saga featuring Moro, a sorcerer who escapes from his intergalactic prison and fights to restore his original powers. How can one defeat an enemy that absorbs and d...
Concept » Dragon Ball Universe appears in 188 issues. The shared universe between some of the works of Akira Toriyama such as Dragonball, Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, Dr Slump, Neko Majin, and other one shot mangas.Concept Wiki Images (14) Forum (2185) News Related Pages ...
After being dropped off on New Namek, Buu intervenes during the second battle between the still somewhat injured Goku and Vegeta vs Moro, who came out of hiding to stop the latter from grabbing the final Namekian Dragon Ball. Buu, now having Grand Supreme Kai's memories, recognizes Moro, ...
InDragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II, this form is referred to as Super Saiyan Rage. This is not to be mistaken forthe form of the same nameFuture Trunksattains inDragon Ball Super's"Future" Trunks Saga. InDragon Ball Legends, Shallot is the first known member of theSuper Saiyan Go...
First Appearance:Dragon Ball Supermanga, chapter 43, "Joining the Galactic Patrol!" Moro is a villain who never appears in theDragon BallSuperanime, instead only showing up in the manga, in an arc set after the Tournament of Power. Moro is an ancient evil, like Buu, and first appears as...
one for the manga and one from the show but personally I hope they’re all mixed so I would just put this one right after the Moro arc. I’d say that would still work out quite nicely and in a way I wouldn’t mind if the Super sequel show re-adapts the movie similar to how th...
Dragon Ball's Planet Namek happens to have quite a fascinating history beyond being the home of the Namek race.