the transformation, it is possible for Saiyans to transform even if their tail is removed, however they require the use of a Blutz Wave Generator which will cause them to transform, causing their tail to regrow briefly while in their transformed state, as shown by Vegeta in Dragon Ball GT....
In Japan, other artists than those featured on Dragon Ball soundtracks have had the honor of performing a few of these songs. There are also a plethora of additional studio and live performances from the original artists, and even so-called “self-covers” of classic songs released on CDs th...
Directory: Characters → Deities → Dragons Syn Shenron (一イー星シン龍ロン, Īshinron) is the seventh and last of the evil Shadow Dragons to appear and the Dragon of the One-Star Dragon Ball. He is the main and final antagonist of the Shadow Dragon Sa
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Secret message generator GUI by Shortest Distance between Two Sum of digits of a Tic_Tac_...
B. Tomašik: QuaG: Monte Carlo generator of particle production from fragmented fireball in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions, "připravovano"Tomasik B. DRAGON: Monte Carlo generator of particle production from a fragmented fireball in ultra...
vue-tags-ball - Create a beautiful and spherical tag with this plugin vue-rippler - Simple Vue.js plugin for custom ripple effect vue-contacts - Mobile contacts component for Vue basic-vue-chat - Easy to use Vue.js chat vue-resize-text - A vue directive which automatically resize font siz...
Super Saiyan 4 (超スーパーサイヤ人じん4フォー, Sūpā Saiya-jin Fō) is an advancement of the Super Saiyan and Golden Great Ape forms that first appears in Dragon Ball GT, with an updated incarnation of it later appearing in Dragon Ball Daima. As part o
She would later land main character roles as Miharu in Gasaraki, Natsume in Generator Gawl, and Hello Kitty in Hello Kitty's Animation Theater, the last of which was one of ADV's best-selling DVDs. In 2001, she voiced Izumi in the baseball anime Princess Nine and in 2002, she got to...
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission The Wave Machine first appeared in the story mode ofFighterZ. InDokkan Battle, the Wave Machine appears in theFighterZcrossover Story Event based on the Super Warrior Arc. InDragon Ball Heroes,Wave Machine(波動発生装置Wave Generator)is an ability used by...