Logo Dragon Ball Z (Opening 1) Divers Vegeta entre dans la Salle du Temps Vegeta Goku (Mini) break dance Son Goku Les coups d’épée de Trunks Trunks Gohan repousse le Kamehameha de Cell #2 Son Gohan Goku Super Saiyan (opening DBZ) V2 ...
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Discover & share this Angry Dragon Ball GIF by Xbox with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.
He also had the Death Ball But the move seems very different, It's a grab with a short sequence of punches. If you're talking about being a similar move appearance wise" big ball throw at the ground", then this game, no all of Dragon Ball is full of it, just look at all the ...
This DLCisgiftable 价格更新于: 2024/11/24 13:32 刷新价格 DRAGON BALL FighterZ - SSGSS Goku and SSGSS Vegeta Unlock 描述 Get this early unlock of SSGSS Goku and SSGSS Vegeta to play with these 2 powerful characters right away. Featuring devastating attacks and flashy techniques, these 2 fight...
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pyrotechnics = { 62216, 157642, 1 }, -- Each time your Fireball fails to critically strike a target, it gains a stacking 10% increased critical strike chance. Effect ends when Fireball critically strikes. scorch = { 62213, 2948 , 1 }, -- Scorches an enemy for 497 Fire damage. ...
While Goku is undoubtedly the hero of Dragon Ball Super and the franchise in general, he certainly has his moments of helplessness during the series.
Discover & share this Music Video Cartoon GIF by Myles Hi with everyone you know. GIPHY is how you search, share, discover, and create GIFs.