Dragon Ball Super Dark Demon Realm Mission! Universe Mission!! Big Bang Mission!!! Ultra God Mission!!! Meteor Mission! Sagas Films Video Games Budokai series Tenkaichi series Xenoverse series Heroes FighterZ Kakarot Legends Daima Daima Saga Demon Realm First Demon World Secon...
He typically provides comic relief during significant battles and exhibits fear towards the Dragon Team's adversaries. Notably, in Super Dragon Ball Heroes' Supreme Kai of Time Saga, he reacts with horror to Mecha Frieza's attack, and in Dragon Ball FighterZ, he attempts to defuse tense ...
Dragon Ball FighterZ Guilty Gear: The Missing Link Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising Guilty Gear -Strive- Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2 Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R Hokuto no Ken Persona 4: Arena Ultimax Remaster Sengoku Basara X Sailor Moon S ...
DRAGON BALL FighterZ is born from what makes the DRAGON BALL series so loved and famous: endless spectacular fights with its all-powerful fighters. How long isDragon Ball FighterZ? When focusing on the main objectives,Dragon Ball FighterZis about12 Hoursin length. If you're a gamer that striv...
The open resource for Dragon Ball FighterZ. Home to combos, character guides, frame data, hitboxes, and more.
In Dragon Ball Fusions, a powerful Saibaman called Saibaking appears as one of the game's antagonists. He is a top grade Saibaman created by the Fusion of multiple Saibamen. In FighterZ, Saibamen appear as one of Nappa's Super Attacks, which allows him to grow a Saibaman to attack ...
This article is about the Dragon Ball Super Saga. For the similarly named saga in Dragon Ball Z, see Trunks Saga. This article is about the third part of the Zeno Saga for Dragon Ball Super. For the whole saga, see Zeno Saga. The "Future" Trunks Saga (“