DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 for Nintendo Switch 9/22/17 Sale ends: 12 days Current Price:$5.99Regular Price:$19.99 -70% Nintendo Switch DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT + A NEW POWER AWAKENS SET 9/24/21 Sale ends: 12 days Current Price:$14.99Regular Price:$59.99 -75% Nintendo Switch BLAZBLUE CROSS...
DLC Nintendo Switch DRAGON BALL FighterZ - Master RoshiLoading This item will be sent to your system automatically after purchase. Required to play: DRAGON BALL FighterZ The founding father of the Turtle School, Master Roshi, now comes to DRAGON BALL FighterZ!This content includes:• Mas...
玩《龙珠格斗》Switch(EU)的三大理由 建立你的梦之队,磨练你的技能,掌握高速标签组合。 排名赛、互动大厅、疯狂的6人聚会赛。 体验空中连击、可破坏的舞台和DRAGON BALL动漫中的著名场景。 关于《龙珠激斗》Switch(欧盟)。 广受好评的DRAGON BALL FighterZ现在将其壮观的战斗和全能的战士带到任天堂Switch。
著名游戏 DRAGON BALL FighterZ 的壮观战斗和无敌战士正在 Nintendo Switch 上等着您。 在Arc System Works 的支持下,格斗游戏 DRAGON BALL FighterZ 拥有丰富多彩的动漫图形和易于掌握的游戏玩法。此 Nintendo Switch 版游戏包含独家功能,当然,您可以随时随地玩它。
龙珠斗士 ZDRAGON BALL FighterZ+30DLC Switch NSP XCI NSZ中文 发售日 September 28, 2018类型 格斗动作开发 Arc System Works Co., Ltd发行 Arc System Works Co., Ltd 著名游戏 DRAGON BALL FighterZ 的壮观战斗和无敌战士正在 Nintendo Switch 上等着您。在 Arc System Works 的支持下,格斗游戏 DRAGON ...
像直接操作動畫一樣的臨場感! 體驗究極的七龍珠戰鬥吧! ※包含在此組合包當中的商品也能夠單獨購買,請注意避免重複購買。 傳奇版包含:‧Dragonball FighterZ ‧FighterZ季票‧FighterZ季票2 ‧FighterZ季票3 ‧生化人21號(白衣) ‧生化人21號使用權‧
A port for the Nintendo Switch was announced at E3 2018, released on September 28, 2018. Pre-ordering provided players with Dragon Ball Z: Super Butōden as well as SSGSS Goku and Vegeta.[2] Open beta began August 10, 2018.[3] A manga adaptation named Despo FighterZ was released. Conten...
Dragon Ball FighterZ is born from what makes the Dragon Ball series so loved and famous: endless spectacular fights with its all-powerful fighters! Developed by the acclaimed Arc System Works, Dragon Ball FighterZ maximizes high end Anime graphics and br
龙珠战士Z DRAG..龙珠战士Z DRAGON BALL FighterZ经典横版2d格斗游戏,我是拳皇迷,对格斗游戏情有独钟,喜欢那种练习连招的感觉,这个格斗模式跟拳皇还是很大不同的,没有复杂的搓招,而且技能很华丽,可以
True Power Knows No Limits! The Legendary Edition includes: • DRAGON BALL FighterZ • FighterZ Pass - Android 21 Unlock • FighterZ Pass 2 • FighterZ Pass 3 • Android 21 (Lab Coat) • Commentator Voice Packs 1-4 • Stamps: Girls Pack