Episodio 11 (Dragon Ball GT) Japón Hispanoamérica Cronología < Anterior 11 Siguiente > Lista de episodios Títulos Título original ルードの呪い!? 人形にされたパン Transliteración Rūdo no noroi!? Ningyou ni sareta Pan Hispanoamérica Pan es convertida en muñeca España La maldici...
Super Dragon Ball Heroes S1.E45Tutti gli episodi IMDbProTutti gli argomentiDecisive Battle in the Divine Realm! The Power of Time Approaches L’episodio è andato in onda il 23 ott 2022 VALUTAZIONE IMDb 8,8/10 64 LA TUA VALUTAZIONE Valuta...
Dragon Ball Z Abridged: Con Nick Landis, Lawrence Simpson, Scott Frerichs, Curtis Arnott. Una parodia diretta con la maggior parte dei personaggi e delle trame che rimangono relativamente invariati.
King of Dragon Pass: Con Gary Butterfield, Kole Ross. Gary Butterfield and Kole Ross gird their loins to battle King of Dragon Pass. File this one under "Gem that should have gotten more attention." It's a strategy-game-meets-CYOA, but it's so much more.
Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope: Con Kenny Leu, Amy Johnston, Tyler Tackett, RuthAnn Thompson. Based years into the future nearly all the Z warriors are dead and only Gohan and Trunks remain. Can they fight off the evil androids and save earth?
Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope: Con Kenny Leu, Amy Johnston, Tyler Tackett, RuthAnn Thompson. Based years into the future nearly all the Z warriors are dead and only Gohan and Trunks remain. Can they fight off the evil androids and save earth?