In the Dragon Ball series, 17% of sapient Earthlings are animal-type.[1][2] It is common to see anthropomorphic animals living among humans as city residents; the two most recurring animal characters being Puar and Oolong. Other significant anthropomorphic animals in the franchise include Captain...
Towa's first appearance in Dragon Ball Online Towa is seen on Namek for the first time in the fourth Time Machine Quest (TMQ4). She manages to possess Cui, Zarbon, Dodoria, Recoome, and Captain Ginyu as a frog. Also, she displays the ability to transform characters into giants; she ...
This is a list of tertiary, inconsequential, or unnamed characters who exist in the Dragon Ball universe. Note that this list only constitutes of characters that do play some kind of role in the story but are tertiary or lesser in their appearance. For a complete list of primary and support...
Korin is a character from the 动画 Dragon Ball. Due to being indexed as a Animal character type, they do not have visual traits assigned. TraitAppearsOfficial 性别 Unknown 眼睛的颜色 Unknown 头发颜色 Unknown 头发长度 Unknown Apparent Age Unknown 猫耳 Unknown View characters with same...
In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Ranfan's hair style appears as custom hair option Type 34 for female Saiyans and Earthlings. She appears as a playable character in Dokkan Battle who can be acquired through World Tournament Summons. Like most other characters that lack the ability to use Flight ...
The story was written and drawn in a style similar to Dragon Ball SD— very close to its original version with cuter characters and a few extra jokes thrown in for good measure. As with the rest of Dragon Ball SD, a general “supervision” credit is given to Akira Toriyama. The chapter...
31st Tournament Debut Charlie • Mad Chilli • Matt Cat • Mugley • Papayaman (Majuub) • Super One 64th Tournament Debut Goku Jr. • Vegeta Jr. • Marie Categories Categories: Characters Characters who can't fly Humans Martial Artists Females Zesmond Spencer's Friend...
Characters Quotes Korinto14 views Random M F X Animal Ears ☰ Menu >>> ID68427 NameKorinto Other Namesカリント Wealth RoleUnsorted FromDragon Ball Media Typeanime Voiced By Tags Personality Menu Day 0Character of the Daynominations
While Toriyama created many powerful"Dragon Ball" characters, Goku had a special place in his heart — so much so that when he killed off the character in "Dragon Ball Z" Volume 19, aka "Death of a Warrior," in 1993, he felt the need to apologize for his actions, writing, "In this...
Dragon Ball Fusions Dragon Ball XenoVerse 2 Characters Earthling Son Gokū Vegeta Chi-Chi Videl Mark Oolong Mira Saiyan Gine Bardock Paragus (Broly Trilogy) Gogeta (Movie 15) Vegetto Quarter-Saiyan Hybrid-Saiyan Nameccian Piccolo (Senior) Slug Oldest Elder Drum ...