Over the course of the Dragon Ball anime, Goku encounters Chi-Chi several times between their first meeting and the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament. However, in the manga, Chi-Chi is never seen again after her introduction until the 23rd Tournament, which makes a little more sense as to...
In the anime, Orlen arrives at the ship and says he's found a village, but it's already been destroyed and its Dragon Ball taken. Zarbon figures it must've been Vegeta and he did hide a Dragon Ball. Orlen lets it slip that he killed a survivor without first asking where Vegeta may...
↑Dragon Ballepisode 6, "Keep an Eye on the Dragon Balls" ↑Dragon Ballmanga, pp. 118-121.ISBN 978-1-56-931920-8 ↑Dragon Ball Daimaepisode 1, "Conspiracy" ↑Dragon Ball Daimaepisode 2, "Glorio" ↑Dragon Ball GTepisode 64, "Until We Meet Again" ...
↑1.01.1Dragon Ballepisode 52, "The Pirate Treasure", Japanese version ↑ 7, 1996 ↑Dragon Ballepisode 56, "Strange Visitor",Funimation dub ↑Dragon Ball 天下一伝説 (in Japanese). Shueisha. 2004. pp. 102–105.ISBN 4-08-873705-9. ...