“The Landsmeet's the big news. Every dusty noble estate in Denerim is airing its sheets, waiting for the lord to ride into town.”―Gorim The Landsmeet is a main quest in Dragon Age: Origins. Here, the Warden has the opportunity to influence who will r
Powerful Solo Stamina Dragonknight Build optimized for Solo Overland, Dungeons, Maelstrom & Vateshran Hollows Arena. The Elder Scrolls Online ESO.
Stormfist: vTempest Island Hunding’s Rage: Craftable Night Mother’s Gaze: Craftable Agility: Guildstore Perfected Thunderous Volley: vMaelstrom Arena Thunderous Volley: Maelstrom Arena Skills Dragonknight Bow Build In case you can not go into melee range for a while you can simply skip the ...
"Dragonmaid" (ドラゴンメイド Doragonmeido) is an archetype of female Dragon monsters with various Attributes introduced in Mystic Fighters. This archetype is most likely inspired by the series Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid by coolkyousinnjya, which he him
- To get to them we go to Outland, take control of Tempest Keep, and use it teleport ourselves onto Draenor. - Farahlon is FINALLY seen, and it will become a faction-neutral hub (though with faction-specific areas, similar to the Argent Tournament). - Shattrath City will be the final...
A Grand Theft Auto concept, partial wishlist and the first 'DLC' to Grand Theft Auto: Borders. Other concepts by me (and others): Grand Theft Auto: Carcer City Grand Theft Auto: Borders (Read this for a more serious story in this setting.) Grand Theft Au