1 Dragon Age: Origins 1.1 Oghren's remarks 1.2 Oghren and Wynne 1.3 Oghren and Morrigan 1.4 Oghren and Leliana 1.5 Oghren and Alistair 1.6 Oghren and Zevran 1.7 Oghren and Shale 1.8 Oghren and Sten 1.9 Oghren and Dog 1.10 Oghren and the Secret companion 2 Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening...
I finished running the errand for that elf in Kirkwall, which, true to Dragon Age fashion, required the slaughtering of about 15 thugs. A cutscene was then initiated (one of many to come, I’ve been told) and in it, all of my efforts in Dragon Age: Origins was summed up in a few...
Sten admiring Shale's beauty... Elora is now returning with the correct phrase Share 5 comments Pages 1 Qessanea premium 132 kudos 05 August 2012, 8:50AM Sten likes the look of those big, strong hands! I love the banters between them too -- very funny Risibisi premium 305 ...
unable to hide her feelings any longer Shale grabbed Sten and held him tight and kissed him hard. Sten did not have time to react but for Shale she felt like she was in heaven. But Sten was a bit shocked. Here was the aftermath of the Kiss. "Take care my Qunari Prince and be care...
While Dragon Age II featured memorable and lively companions, Origins' standout characters proved to be a tough act to follow. And while this still may be the case when considering the incredible impact of characters like Alistair, Morrigan, Shale, Sten and others from the first game in the ...
“The Landsmeet's the big news. Every dusty noble estate in Denerim is airing its sheets, waiting for the lord to ride into town.”―Gorim The Landsmeet is a main quest in Dragon Age: Origins. Here, the Warden has the opportunity to influence who will r
1 Dragon Age: Origins 1.1 Leliana's remarks 1.2 Leliana and Alistair 1.3 Leliana and Morrigan 1.4 Leliana and Sten 1.5 Leliana and Zevran 1.6 Leliana and Oghren 1.7 Leliana and Shale 1.8 Leliana and Wynne 1.9 Leliana and Dog 2 Dragon Age: Inquisition 2.1 Leliana's conversation with her me...