通过龙腾世纪存续(Dragon Age Keep)网站,可选定玩家在前作中所作出的决定,这些决定将影响本作角色的出身以及剧情经历。许多前作中已经熟识的老朋友都将与玩家再度重逢,相遇之时,只言片语的交流就能让那些尘封的昨日情怀波澜再起;DLC具有动态难度设计,战斗和解谜比主线都更具挑战性;缺点和问题:-主角性格塑造缺失,纯粹...
Bioware打造的系列游戏对于承接元素是很注重的。RPG大作《龙腾世纪:审判(Dragon Age: Inquisition)》作为一部续作,很多玩家都在关注其与前几作的联系,而开发商似乎也决定此次扩大游戏与前两部作品的联系。据发行商EA介绍,玩家曾在《龙腾世纪:起源》以及《龙腾世纪2》等游戏中做过的决定,将会影响《龙腾世纪:审判》...
一、保存你玩龙腾世纪历作的人物档案、成就、解锁物品、世界状态等数据。 二、通过选择编辑的方式,为新作审判提供初始的世界历史和状态。 官网地址:点击进入 关于Last Court内容暂不讨论。 Dragon Age Keep使用指南 刚进入网页,如果你的浏览器被认为不符合要求(比如我的傲游),会出现如此提示: 其实多半没啥问题,点I...
Note that Dragon Age Keep is in open beta as of October 29, 2014. It’s fully functional, but it may grow or change over time. You can keep up with any progresson Twitterand get more details inDragon Age Keep’s FAQ. Stay tuned for more onDragon Age: Inquisitionas the Nove...
Playthrough States contains saved world states from Dragon Age: Inquisition that you will be able to modify in the Keep. Shared States shows world states that your friends in the Keep have shared with you. If you want to play one of these world states, you'll have to export ...
Discover helpful guides and troubleshooting tips to help answer any questions you might have about Dragon Age Inquisition.
根据你在DragonAge Keep里的设定,你有可能在此遇到一代队友囧A。崇高平原Exalted Plains 奥莱依Orlais...
Dragon Age: Keep is designed to allow players to customize story choices across the entire franchise, meaning that gamers can set up the state of the world before they launch Inquisition. BioWare states, "Since we last wrote about the Keep,we’ve launched a closed beta progr...
Characters in Dragon Age Inquisition may engage in romantic relationships with companions, advisors, and other characters they encounter in the world. IGN wants to know just which of Dragon Age's eight romances appealed to you the most. Answer the poll, then check below for guides to romancing...
) to ensure that the world of Dragon Age Inquisition is the world you’ve shaped over the hundreds of hours of the previous games, DLC, and expansion packs. When you look at all of the possibilities in the Keep (there are over 300), you can see how modifying even the smallest detail...