她和Solas算是精灵角色的两个极端吧,我的男精审判官Fion算是比较中间派的那种,一方面惋惜感叹逝去的精灵文明,但同时会觉得现在的Dalish也好City Elf也罢还是聚焦如何在这个人类主导的世界生存……我能理解Solas的悲伤和苦闷,Cole说他充满了“sorrow”真的很有道理,毕竟他的经历和Sera以及Fion太不一样了,完全是另一个...
Dragon Age: Origins Dragon Age II Dragon Age: Inquisition Weitere Medien Anmelden Advertisement Erkunden Projekte zum Mitmachen in:Elf (Charakter),Stadtelfen,Schurke (Charakter), und9 weiteren Abschnitt erweitern Mitglieder der Inquisition Sera
Characters in Dragon Age Inquisition may engage in romantic relationships with companions, advisors, and other characters they encounter in the world. IGN wants to know just which of Dragon Age's eight romances appealed to you the most. Answer the poll, then check below for guides to romancing...
Dragon Age: Inquisition--Sera Was Never One of the many lovely tavern songs from Dragon Age: Inquisition. All credit goes to BSN user Vidas Secas, I'm simply transferring the chords here. Feel free to make any corrections or improvements! Capo 5th fret Em D Sera was never quite an agreea...
Sera Raney Shockne;Elizaveta;Nick Stoubis Rise Raney Shockne;Elizaveta;Nick Stoubis Samson Raney Shockne;Elizaveta;Nick Stoubis 喜欢听"Dragon Age: Inquisition - The Bard Songs"的人也喜欢的唱片 ··· Dragon Age: Inquisition - Songs of ... 8.8 Dragon Age: Inquisition 9.3 Winter, Fire ...
Sera:塞拉好感比较麻烦,可以靠WAR TABLE任务和主线提升,某些对话提升较大但大部分只能少量提升,注意她不喜欢魔法和贵族。如果你的判官是女性可适当调戏她,可加好感。队友任务中选择直接干翻NPC即可。全种族女性可推。 Varric Tethras:瓦叔好感很好提升,对话选择幽默风格可加好感,带着他破坏红石可加好感。灰卫主线中最...
Dragon Age: Inquisition: Directed by Mike Laidlaw, Sam McGlynn, Pierre Michel-Estival. With Harry Hadden-Paton, Alix Wilton Regan, Jon Curry, Sumalee Montano. When the Conclave is destroyed, leaving only one survivor, demons are loosed up on the world. I
近日,EA联合Bioware发布了一系列《龙腾世纪:审判》的角色海报,海报集结了游戏审判者们,Blackwall,Sera.The Iron Bull都在其中,海报背景是战斗场景,旨在表明领导他们取得胜利或是失败!海报质量非常高,喜欢系列作品的玩家不妨收入囊中。 《龙腾世纪:审判》预定2014年11月18日登陆PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One以及...
有趣的消息:开发者Cameron Lee最喜欢的同伴角色是Sera和Bull。 寒霜引擎好像不支持Mod编辑。 Bioware在制作游戏时一直在关注论坛的玩家反馈,但要统统满足这么多人的要求有点难度。 DLC还没有想好,但玩家不必过多担心DLC会对游戏带来很大的影响。 一般的男性Qunari族比Iron Bull稍矮。
In Dragon Age: Inquisition, you’ll access to nine different party members. A few of them will be available right from the start, while the rest will have to be found and recruited from different parts of Thedas. For more help on Dragon Age Inquisition, read ourRogue Class Guide,Warrior ...