Alright, so I've played quite a bit already and rather thoroughly, made plenty of saves too. But at one point my PC starts acting up and lagging, so I quickly save and tab out to see what's going on, only to find my computer freezing/crashing. Had to restart my P...
Dragon Age Inquisition SAVE file for the 'INQUISITOR' achievement :'Finish the single-player campaign on Nightmare without lowering the difficulty.'
Dragon Age: Inquisition is the third installment in BioWare's Dragon Age RPG series. The game will blend features from both of its predecessors, and takes additional influence from games such as The Elder Scrolls v: Skyrim. From the use of the Frostbite
Once you have deleted the cache data you will then be prompted to re-install the missing data the next time you play the game. Let us know if it worked. Once you uninstall the game the corrupt data should be wiped out so if reinstalling the game didn't help, it could b...
Dragon Age: Inquisition: Réalisé par Mike Laidlaw, Sam McGlynn, Pierre Michel-Estival. Avec Harry Hadden-Paton, Alix Wilton Regan, Jon Curry, Sumalee Montano. Quand le Conclave est détruit, ne laissant qu'un survivant, les démons sont relâchés su
Dragon Age: Inquisition has been delayed and, if you’re smart, you’ll just shrug this off. Because this was a forseeable setback. Games get delayed all the time, especially in the final stretch before their release. Any BioWare fan should have known this was coming. The company’s own...
Unite the Veilguard and defy the gods in Dragon Age™: The Veilguard, an immersive single player RPG.
Dragon Age: Inquisition is the third installment in BioWare's Dragon Age RPG series. The game will blend features from both of its predecessors, and takes additional influence from games such as The Elder Scrolls v: Skyrim. From the use of the Frostbite
inDragon Age: Inquisition. As dangerous as it is beautiful, the Emprise is home to countless threats, including a whopping three high dragons. The rifts in the Springs will be one of the last obstacles players face when exploring the region, and there's a reason the game saves them for ...
Its the same with Dragon Age, more So in DA:I where none of the spells you cast on mobs felt like they did anything more than any other spell you were casting 'so maybe they have a small burn (DoT) effect, or a small freeze effect' but that's all. Compare that with the spells...