后记:其实原理就是这次DA:inquisition的装备储存方式是 一个itemtype来符合名称和外型,但是其物品的属性...
The storyline in Dragon Age Inquisition focus on a cataclysmic event: a tear in the Fade causes a massive explosion that kills scores of delegates during a peace talk between Templars and Mages. I mention this small spoiler as it literally happens the moment you hit the start button, before ...
In terms of the size and scope of the environments, Dragon Age: Inquisition is the total opposite of Dragon Age 2. For the most part, that’s welcome, but I do miss the presence of a proper, bustling city. Inquisition is a game about taming hostile lands, which means there’s nowhere...
To quickly max out Power and Influence in Dragon Age Inquisition, do the following: You must first reach Skyhold. Go to the merchant in the Southwest corner of the courtyard (Farris the Representative). Click on Buy/Sell and go to the Other section Purchase whichever of the Influence/Power ...
Published by EA, Dragon Age Dreadwolf is still largely a mystery, with only a recently released cinematic trailer offering us details on the Dragon Age Inquisition sequel. Nevertheless, if you’re a big fan of the fantasy game, you can start showing your love in Sims 4 thanks to a new,...