Dragon Age: Inquisition: Directed by Mike Laidlaw, Sam McGlynn, Pierre Michel-Estival. With Harry Hadden-Paton, Alix Wilton Regan, Jon Curry, Sumalee Montano. When the Conclave is destroyed, leaving only one survivor, demons are loosed up on the world. I
Winner of over 130 Game of the Year awards, discover the definitive Dragon Age Inquisition experience. The Game of the Year Edition includes the critically acclaimed game, official add-ons - Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent, and Trespasser - and added feature
Dragon Age™: Inquisition (English Ver.) Global player ratings 4.58Average rating 4.58 stars out of 5 stars from 77624 ratings 77624 ratings 1% 4% Game and Legal Info You are the only one who can stop demons flooding into the land of Thedas. ...
差不多玩了30个小时,实在玩不下去了。 从起源和2代一路玩过来的。审判刚玩到Skyhold。剧情又是主角拯救世界,这种套路着实没意思。支线更是无聊。开放世界太空,毫无趣味性可言,默认的主角很丑,队友真的各种奇行种,一个比一个丑,都懒得跟队友对话。操作也不如前两代舒服。画面是进步了,但我个人对画面要求很低...
5星【游戏】《龙腾世纪:审判 Dragon Age: Inquisition》 这个是14年出的,当时已经玩通关了龙腾二,对这个系列的游戏印象特别深。主要是他的玩法非常新颖,比如像与队友的好感度会影响以后的剧情和对话啊、个人的决定也会影响股市剧情的发展、还有特别喜欢的战术暂停,能够操纵所有的4人小队成员目标是谁,放哪个技能,何时...
Dragon Age Evolved A comprehensive overhaul for Dragon Age: Origins, enhancing visuals, textures, and models across the game. It revamps armors, outfits, and environments, while integrating assets from Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition to enrich the world of Ferelden. ...
Main quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition are essential plot points required to advance the storyline and complete the game. The Wrath of Heaven The Threat Remains Champions of the Just (or) In Hushed Whispers In Your Heart Shall Burn From the Ashes Wicked
The epic role-playing series from BioWare takes a thrilling leap forward with Dragon Age™: Inquisition. Beautiful vistas and incredible new possibilities await you.
playable within the Dragon Age: Inquisition campaign, you will fight new adversaries, gain epic weapons and armor, and solve one of Thedas’ greatest mysteries. KEY FEATURES: - Meet memorable characters who will help guide you throughout the perilous journey - Explore a vast, underground world ...
Dragon Age™: Inquisition - 黑市 (英文版) 全球玩家评价 4.77平均评价4.77颗星(满分5颗星,223个评价) 223个评价 88% 7% 3% 0% 3% “黑市”扩展包新增了四家高级店铺,出售各种史诗级武器、强悍饰品、新的锻造材料和工艺,还有其他罕见物品。您还可以用“易容之镜”(Mirror of Transformation)来改变容颜。黑市...